So, fun fact: the first thing I ever drew on Colors 3D (my first digital drawing program if you don't count my complete misunderstanding of was a side shot of Nightmare Whisper. It was also the fifthish thing I ever drew on there, because once I got the hang of it I wanted to see if I could improve it. Then I switched to finger-drawing on pdn for a bit while my 2ds was broken and drew her again, then I got a proper drawing tablet and the pc version of medibang paint and drew her again, and at some point it simply became a sort of tradition to draw her as a benchmark of my artistic progress.
This is this year's. Just like every year, I wondered if I had really improved enough to make a noticeable difference in style; and just like every year, I truly outdid myself.
(the others can be seen here , if you're curious. I just didn't want to post them all at once given how shit some of them are lol)