earth-tone — Dream - Fantasy

Published: 2009-07-16 15:38:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 263; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 5
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Description This describes the process of your typical fantasy dream. At the bottom, is shows the girl sleeping in 3 frames. By the last frame, only 15 minutes have passed. As the clock travels upward with her dream, though, time becomes increasingly irrelevant. Eventually, the numbers disappear completely and the hands become the infinity symbol. If you look closely, she is traveling up on the boat and down on a kite.
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Comments: 1

rhizomeconnectome [2009-07-17 00:04:19 +0000 UTC]

I love how the pinnacle of the dream...halfway through the dream itself....is infinity. Cradling the metaphor is yet another: the ancient symbol for our most basic acknowledgment of dichotomy : The sun and moon. Duality and its vacillation. Really neat. I like this series a lot.Even further comes the play of the elemental. She rises on the ship...then the ship grows wings....an evolution away from the floating...and into the realm of flight and imagination...back into the known terrestrial. I also like the three stages of her at the bottom. Its a triptych in very much the traditional sense. This piece and the lucid dreaming one, are loaded with meaning. Very deep and symbolic.

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