DreamyBones — Smokey Black

Published: 2022-11-14 01:00:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 999; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Here's the last RF OC that I mentioned, meet Smokey Black! he came from the same dream as Maroon and was basically his dad, in the dream he was 100% monochrome but I already have Pitch Black and Grey so I looked up other shades of black and saw "Smokey Black" and thought it fit him, it's basically a very dark brown hence the brown clothes.

a polite and composed man, he is a piece of Pitch Black and thus a mix between an "intelligent" RF and a "feral" one. intelligent in that he can where clothes and even talk, but feral in that he can turn aggressive and become a shadowy mass if provoked, but he tries desperately to control this as he doesn't want to attack innocent people.

he cares for all the younger RFs, but Maroon is the one he is closest to as he sees him like a son. the little guy follows his "papa" almost everywhere.

Rainbow Friends - Fragment Games
My RF OCs - Dreamybones
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