DragonlordRynn — Dogtype

#african #africanwilddog #alex #amaya #animals #anthro #any #bernese #blacklight #blackwatch #boxer #bradley #cas #cross #crossover #dana #dingo #doctor #dog #dogs #heller #james #mercer #mountain #ponies #prototype #read #robert #specialist #tags #than #those #whitelight #wild #prototype2 #ragland #robertcross #dragonlordrynn #alexmercer #danamercer #bradleyragland #prototypealex #jamesheller #amayaheller #it #does #better #anybody #anyways #specialistcross #doctorragland
Published: 2016-06-29 12:13:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 3449; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 11
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Description Just to show you that I'm still alive, just very lazy.

The Protagonists of [PROTOTYPE] as Dogs!

Alex and Dana Mercer = Dingo
James Heller = Boxer
Amaya Heller = Boxer Mix
Captain Cross = African Wild Dog
Doctor Ragland = Bernese Mountain Dog

Alex is still an ass. Dana has given up. Heller is shortly before ripping Alex' tongue off. Amaya is worried that her dad will rip the scary hoodie guy's tongue off. Cross is going to back away slowly. Ragland decided to watch it until these two idiots start killing each other before he bolts. Maybe he's going to throw Cross into the brawl just to distract them.
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