Malphas was a great and valiant warrior, author of great undertakings in the name of the Church. Respectful to others, he loved his family and would have sacrificed everything to protect it.
After knowing that the death of his life partner was the work of the Church itself, it became known that much of the evils that so much committed itself to eradicate came precisely from those whom it considered to be pure and incorruptible. Such was the desperation and disbelief of all that, completely blinded by the strong feelings felt, denied every single word of his belief, even going so far as to kill his children, promising them that, in the world of the afterlife, every evil would finally known end.
Discovered by herself, with a chilling scream she breaks through time and space, thus becoming the Queen of the Intangible World, swearing eternal hatred towards Man, an imperfect creature destined simply for self-destruction.