clatu [2011-08-02 15:30:02 +0000 UTC]
too bad the original alien pic is not available as it is something to behold. another must look at more than once don simpson creation complimenting the Starprobe. great!
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DonSimpson [2006-09-24 21:23:02 +0000 UTC]
Embarassedly, I must admit that the talons are from model kits of a prehistoric giant flightless bird (the phororacos), altered only slightly to fit the design, and attached to a "skeleton" made from plastic rods, beads, spoons, and sheet. Then I built up the form with modeling putty and carved and sanded it down, added _lots_ of coats of paint (primer, crackle 1, crackle 2, base color, modifier color, three or four spatter coats), and did some detailing.
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