Dolsejetsent — Fuworx Tiesu - The True Self

#angelhalo #bodyhorror #cyclops #gorgon #monster #monstergirl #snakehair #tapeworms #bellymouth #fantasycreature #eldritchabomination
Published: 2023-05-15 16:43:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 1431; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description All unified with scales of stone, gray and red flesh, and the genes from being a descendant of Chaos. She first arrived in a moment of mitosis from Chaos, and due to the eternity of evolution, she changed dramatically, hence her current day appearance. She has adopted the evolutionary form akin to a Gorgon to become more suited to a faster, slithering motion. She has multiple mouths on which to feed on meat, and her gaze gives a fate not as bad, but still grisly for anyone that crosses bad paths with her. Her gaze can manifest the inner sins from someone into demonic creatures, and said creatures usually eat people from the inside out, or in the safest circumstances, usually evacuating from a nearby orifice, usually the mouth. Said creatures often chase down the prey for her. It is said that the more cruel someone is, the more she is nourished once she begins to finally chew at them.
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