"If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." Is a very apt and literal descriptor for Kurayan, the God of Madness, Secrets and Darkness.
Much like Takudjen the Wondrous Soul, Kurayan was once mortal, but where as Takudjen achieved his divinity through patience, meditation and self reflection and improvement and acquiring a following, Kurayan achieved his by the opposite, withdrawing further and further into himself and his research, pillaging any and all knowledge and secrets he could gain, destroying original copies of tomes and scrolls once learned its contents so that no other mortal would know, no cost too great on what depravity and madness he braved to achieve results.
While there were many that followed his path, all who have tried have failed, encountering fates worse than just death.
Kurayan has lost a large portion of his humanoid form, now appearance to those few that piqued his interst as a shadowy, spindly being, covered in writhing masses of shadows that flows and drifts like wild hair up until his head, in which a single large purple eye that peers beyond the sensibilities of reason and straight-laced logic, crowning the only remaining piece of his humanity, parts of his lower skull while adorned in 4 brangles, said to keep the final vestiges of himself intact.
As a being who is quite literally self-absorbed, his symbol is that of himself, his broken skull crowning a large eye with shadowy tendrils spiraling off. Its not uncommon for what few still sane followers of him to wear masks that mimic Kurayan's visage accompanying long dark robes that conceal their features. As for his temples, they don't followa similar theme beyond usually being forsaken respositories of knowledge and being rather dimly lit, if at all.
Followers and their Duties
Kurayan doesn't have followers in a traditional sense, and thus has very few, if any, puplic followers, there are merely supplicants that try and know what Kurayan knows, to follow his avenues of research and horde knowledge to themselves. However on occasion, sometimes these fools earn his attention, either by finding something that perks his interest or promises of exchange, these few men and women become his agents, is eyes and hands in the world, and for every task they grow close to him. But by becoming closer to him, and they can not withstand his precense, they begins to warp their minds and bodies, breaking them down and regressing into cyclopic beings that chitter in madness in dark hidden corners of the world.
Mizani and Kurayan - Belong to Me