This is how Avalanche and Antarctica met. When Antarctica was a puppy, she left her parents Siberia and Juneau, even her brother Snowflake. Soon, she ran over a white wolf pup.
Young Avalanche: Where’s your daddy, princess? Lost him again
Young Antarctica: Ha ha, very funny wolf!
Young Avalanche: That’s alpha wolf, to you. Dad told me that I’m the heir of the Alaskan mountain
Young Antarctica: Heir? Ha, do you think you're fit to be leader?
Young Avalanche: Of course I am! Dad said so
Young Antarctica: Ha. Wish I was the heir of the Alaskan mountain
Young Avalanche: Huh?
Young Antarctica: My dad is forcing me to be a sled dog, and I don’t want to be a sled dog
Young Avalanche: Is your dad nice?
Young Antarctica: No.
Young Avalanche: Oh.
Shadow: Avalanche!
Young Avalanche: Looks like surrogate father is calling me
Young Antarctica: Yeah. We should get home. I’m Antarctica
Young Avalanche: I’m Avalanche
At once as Antarctica came home to her parents, Juneau scolded his daughter because she was out making friends with a wolf. Only her mother, Siberia understands.