Link to the import: Meeker 5101
Kukuri's diet and biorhythm: Omnivore, Nocturnal
Time of the day in the picture and the plant gathered: Nocturnal, Hole-O
Link to the tracking journal: Kukuri Activity Tracker
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: -
Link to the import: Daav 9779
Kukuri's diet and biorhythm: Omnivore, Nocturnal
Time of the day in the picture and the plant gathered: Nocturnal, Hole-O
Link to the tracking journal: Kukuri Activity Tracker
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items:
Link to the import: Lepi 9846
Kukuri's diet and biorhythm: Omnivore, Nocturnal
Time of the day in the picture and the plant gathered: Nocturnal, Hole-O
Link to the tracking journal: Kukuri Activity Tracker
Relevant familiars, training, or applied items: