DeepestTrilby — Turned upon by her creations

#dazstudio #mindcontrol #robotization #transformation #mindcontrolled #robottransformation
Published: 2022-10-01 15:28:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 9149; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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At this point I think it is safe to post a few spoilery single panels (at full size) from Sleeper Squad #28. Of course, don't let that stop you from reading it if you haven't already!

Melinda's robots are composed of a robot "body" which is basically just a suit with a couple of minor morphs, one of Pixeluna's, plus a helmet and boots from one of daveyabbo's. (EDIT: Oh, yeah, and a corset from ... somewhere, I forgot.) Every robot in these scenes is the same figure, the Hou figure used as "Ms. Hou" the reporter/investigator, and the only one who is ever shown in the robot suit with the helmet off. Obviously in story terms they're all supposed to be different converted people, but it's almost impossible to tell any differences under all that gear.

(Men? Oh, I'm sure Melinda converted some men. But you may have noticed that men are not always thick on the ground in these tales. Besides, Melinda might very well have converted the men to women in the process of robotizing them, just to add that extra touch.)

Since in the scenes where there are lots of robots, all but one are instanced copies, I've gone to a little trouble in this panel to make it harder for you to notice that they're all in exactly the same pose. In other panels where there are lots of robots I didn't bother, because one of the nice things about an army of robots is that it's completely plausible that they're all in the same pose.

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Comments: 2

Dollmistress [2022-10-02 15:06:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Mr-chuffy [2022-10-02 13:18:42 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0