i'm currently saving up to buy my girlfriend lots of great stuff to make her a big care package for Christmas! all prices are negotiable while i'm saving up for her; i really need commissions so i dont mind talking out prices you can afford!!
further breakdown and examples;[x x x ] sketch- $5
[x x x ] flat colored sketch- $8
[x x x ] shaded colored sketch- $10
[x x x ] lineart- $7
[x x x ] flat colored lineart- $10
[x x x ] simple shaded lineart- $15
[x x x ] fully shaded lineart- $20
[x x x ] lineless
[x x x ] chibi sketch- $5
[x x x ] chibi lined- $8
[x x x ] chibi flat colored- $10
[x x x ] chibi simple shaded- $12
[x x x ] chibi fully shaded- $15
[x x x ] chibi lineless- $10
[x x x ] single icon- $5
[x x x] icon set- $9
*pay per character