Show: HARPGworld Cup
Class: 3DE 5* (show jumping phase)
Rider: Helena Nattvik
Horse: Nattvik's Kikimora
Country: Norway
1st place: Serenity Lake's Horse Trials 2012 | RESULTS+PRIZES
1st place + english grand: Rouge Mountain Summer Patriot Games Results!
All diciplines for 3DE:
Litterature count: 512 words
After a night of well-deserved rest, it was early Saturday morning and soon ready for the show jumping phase of the three day event. Helena had been of the first people to walk the course so she could spend the time memorizing the obstacles while grooming and preparing Kikimora. The mare didnt even seemed phase that she was firstly, not eating breakfast at home, and secondly having completed a hefty dressage test the day before. Kikimora looked just as fresh and happy to og on adventures today as yesterday. The air was crisp after yesterday’s rain, but with the sun starting to peek through the clouds, the early autumn day was soon warming up and the puddles drying. Helena had eaten her breakfast, but as always saved some apple slices for the top athlete who deserved it the most. Kikimora munched happily on the litle treats and while Helena tacked her up, she curiously looked around at the horses who came and left, the people who hurried back and forth and the buzz from the speaker announcing the day’s schedule and sponsors. Helena gave Kikimora a good pat on the neck and had a look at the braids one last time before she would have to get Kikimora out to warm up and do a couple of jumps to get into the rhythm. She would not need a lot of time, but there could be a queue at the jumping part of the warm-up ring, so it was better to get there a little early and be extra ready for whenever there was an opening for a new rider to practice on the jumps.
The entire show ground was buzzing with activities. Dogs being walked back and forth their own show, horses competing in different diciplines, Helena even recognized a few riders she had not seen in years, particularily a young woman from Britain. If only she had a little more time, she would have loved to og over and have a chat, but as she lead Kikimora towards the warm-up, she saw how crowded it was. The stewards did a great job however on dedicating time to every rider so it was all fair. Helena found a mounting block and swung up in the saddle, adjusted the stirrups a little and greeted the steward who checked that everything was in order with tack and starting information before giving them an assigned amount of time in the wam-up ring before they would get another few minutes by the jumps. It really was an organisatoric masterpiece at this point. Kikimora was springy and energetic, a little peeky at times, but nothing a few encouraging words could not fix. A few practice jumps later, and they were announced to the jumping ring for their round. Helena let Kikimora have a look at possible peeky obstacles, but as soon as the ball rung, Helena felt yet again confident in her dear mares abilities to cruise through the course on a decent time. Kikimora, as if to confirm Helena’s thoughts, snorted and shook her head excitedly.
(c) art and characters belong to me, no reusage or reposting 2021