cybertech02 — Warframe zombie alicorn dagath

Published: 2023-10-27 17:42:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 644; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Ok so when i made this I was just trying things out such as zombie and the headless horseman and then I remembered my little pony made a headless horseman reference to like other slapstick cartoons mlp made him just a headless horse instead of a horseman or horse rider anyway considering twilight was the one that made up this headless horseman i decided to make something with dagath around her but considering how spook she looks I decided she is like a zombie franken monster twilight in witch her body got ripped to peaces and then rebuilded wrong to the point flesh is stichting out her mane and tail now more like clothes and well you get the idea hands why I used dark blue because that is twilight’s hair color gold is because she did wear gold plating one her legs and armor so hands why I used gold fore some places 
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