CyanxDragon — King bludgeon jaw face the catastrophic quaken

#dragons #oc #ocs #howtotrainyourdragon #catastrophicquaken
Published: 2023-10-19 04:32:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 310; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description king bludgeon jaw face is a massive catastrophic quaken elder alpha that rules a massive rocky empire. he has ordered many screaming deaths and Alphas to other dragons to help build his Empire and let his God help. he is around 13.1 billion years old and is the first catastrophic quaken to ever be created by dragon gods on earth. making him a elder alpha emperor. he has a massive Boulder Spike tail and extremely armored all over his body and even belly. his armor is extremely tough that if a night fury blasts at him or many multiple dragons,it would do not even a single effect.
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