Allow me to introduce you to Zinerva. She is a lamia. Do not call her a naga, as "them's fighting words"! Zinerva is an original character creation for the same superhero table-top game I started back in 2019, as Lucky.
Zinerva was not from the campaign Earth at the start of the game. She traveled to the campaign world through an extra-dimensional anomaly, that also brought two main NPCs into the game, as well as gave most of the other player characters their powers. Although Zinerva was born on another world, her race did spend time on the campaign Earth, in ancient times, mostly around the Mediterranean and Middle East areas. They had all but left the area before the rise of Christianity.
Zinerva was one of four (Edit: five) characters that did not gain powers from the "Anomaly Incident", as she was either born with them, or learned to use them on her home world (we never did decide that). Her powers included: a paralytic venom, introduced through her fangs; above human strength and agility; resistance to physical injury, due to higher skin density and protective scales; the ability to manipulate light, allowing her to increase or decrease its intensity, as well as produce a personal "chameleon field" similar in effect to the camouflage ability of the Predator species (the ones from the movies of the same name), but through mental force, not technology. She also had a connection with the natural world, that allowed her to be preternaturally aware of her surroundings. This allowed Zinerva to be aware of various life forms in the vicinity, notice toxic substances in the air, ground, water or plant life, and to find open areas underground, from above ground. You will notice that these abilities made Zinerva a very efficient hunter.
Edit: I was just informed that Zinerva also had the ability to hypnotize people. Creepy....