"Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants." (Matthew 18:23)
Right after teaching his disciples that they are to pretty much forgive each other so many times they potentially lose count, he gives them another parable of the kingdom of heaven.
Curious. What does forgiveness have to do with the kingdom of heaven? Sure, you need to be forgiven by Jesus to be free from sin, and you gotta be free from sin to be worthy of heaven, but there's something quite specific from the story of the 2 servants.
The king forgives servant1 all his debts, but servant1 doesn't forgive servant2 and gets blasted by the king.
An obvious way we become 'people of heaven' is by becoming 'people of forgiveness'. If it gets hard to do, we can always fall back on when Jesus asked: "Father forgive them because they don't know what they're doing (specifically, crucifying Jesus...)"
But I'll get to that one eventually..