This is my oc Blossom. I used him as an example so you could see what a Jaakuna ki is.
This is a closed species, which means you can only obtain one in a myo, an adopt or if you're a close friend you can just ask to make one and I may or may not allow you(it will most likely be yes).
Jaakuna ki(Jah-coo-na-key) means "Evil Wood"
These creatures are very rare when it comes to finding them. They find you. They are immortal, and give live birth but due to there being more males than females this species this hard to find. So there are often pairs of two males, and they steal human children or other young animals to raise as their own. If a Jaakuna ki is born, if it’s born by, near, or in a specific tree that is the tree it will be based off of. Their very solitary creatures, so it’s almost impossible to find more than two Jaakuna ki together even if they are mates. Hybrids are very common, they usually mate with Umbinains, because of their gentle nature towards other species but Jaakuna ki also mate with other animals and have young.
All Jaakuna ki have six eyes. Most of the time only two are open.
All male Jaakuna ki have the same color in mouth unless female. Females have brighter.
When hiding in trees or defending themselves, they grow more branches in their legs.
Jaakuna ki have been around since the dinosaurs, and either die from being killed, disease, or other natural causes except age.
They're omnivores which means they eat meat and veggies, their legs are literal branches of wood that bend like flesh. young Jaakuna ki, called pups, don't gain their wooden legs until 6 years of age.
Jaakuna ki live anywhere as long as there are trees around for them to live in and blend in from predators. Their call sounds like either wind or breaking/cracking wood.
the top two eyes are only used for seeing in the dark or dimly lit areas, and can only see in black and white
the top two eyes are only used for seeing in the dark or dimly lit areas, and can only see in black and white
the two larger, center eyes are used for seeing normally, but have the ability to see vivid colours
the two bottom eyes are used to detect heat signatures, and can only see colours on the thermal image spectrum
if the two normal eyes and the two top eyes are open at the same time, Jaakuna ki's can see in the dark and make out a little bit of colour.
if the normal eyes are open with the two bottom eyes, nothing really happens. Its thermal image view would just be more vivid in colour, but any object viewed through the bottom eyes would be more realistic in shape.
if the top and bottom eyes are open together, Jaakuna ki's can detect heat signatures in the dark, but the thermal image colours are dull in colour
If all six eyes are open at once, its vision will be a blend of its three types of sight.
Known Jaakuna ki:
Cherry blossom tree
Owned by CoUmbi
Pine tree
Moretimer's mother
Owned byCoUmbi
Red wood tree
Owned by AllTrenchDisco
Art, Jaakuna ki, and Blossom©CoUmbi