I really don't know what to call this or what to say here. It's a picture I took while I was waiting for an event called Light Up the Sky. I like this photo. I really love that top (Bonus Tidbit: That top in the picture is actually a costume dress that I wore as a top and will definitely be wearing it as a shirt definitely) I am so glad I found this and it was definitely a great purchase. There really isn't much more to say then that, to be honest.
Bonus: I have decided that if anyone would like to edit this photo they now have that option. This photo I am allowing people to edit. If you wish to edit this, then please send me a note and I will find a way to send this photo to you. I am not putting this photo out for it to be downloaded just because I simply don't feel comfortable doing that. I would, however, love to see what people can do with editing my pictures. I always find it fun to see how other people take and edit the same photo and I thought that pictures of me would be interesting to see. Especially considering how I look is something that I currently and have always struggled with. I do want to see what you can come up with. So if you want to edit it, then send me a note and we will hopefully make that happen.