Adventures Ballet Shoes Ep 4 changes in ballet shoes
Before days ballet shoes was little girl had sisters like muffin tray and magic wand she considered femine mare dancer very girl have rules boys were allowed dance ballet in townsvile here her stories becoming femine dancer at canterlot acamdey being ballerina
Ballet shoes finsihes up another dance magical swirl smiles well done as usual of rainbow dance well done magical swirl smiles well done magical swirl smiles.Ballet shoes and Purple star trot you want go anywehre fun purple star? Ballet shoes smiles.Purple stae i need go back hom okay ballet shoes purple star smiles.Ballet shoes okay bye purple star ballet shoes waves.Purple star bye purple star.Ballet shoes leaves then sees sassy saddles huh how are you? ballet shoes looks at her.Sassy saddles is name sweetie you were really pretty sweetie sassy saddles smiles,Ballet shoes hey it's nothing i'am just very femine mare and just ballerina that i'am sassy saddles ballet shoes smiles.Sasy saddles want you work for me and become snobish how do feel sassy saddles smiles.Ballet shoes listen tried i be snboish but not going try that angle pleae no sassy saddles ballet shoes sighs.Sassy saddles just give one chance okay ballet shoes just one okay ballet shoes sassy saddles smiles.Ballet shoes alright listen if you come your ballet show me but as right now not interested becoming snobish just not sorry sassy saddles ballet shoes trots away.Sassy saddles my own ballet show sassy saddles works away hmmmmmm sassy saddles thinks away i think got perfect idea sassy saddles grins.Next moring monday magical swirl watching her 11 ballerinas dance.Sassy saddles hi there magical swirl sassy saddles smiles.magical swirl what do you want sassy saddles.magical swirl steers at sassy saddles.Sassy saddles got this idea for own ballet story you want here over some donuts sassy saddles smiles.magical swirl alright let's here it.Sassy saddles and magical swirl go out donut place chat in private.magical swirl so sassy saddles what your idea magical swirl drinks coffee eating eclair.Sassy saddles my idea was have ballet about ballerina being poor then works away up to being rich her gold tutu then all taken away due greed Sassy saddles i like call this show called ballerina greed how doees that sound magical swirl sassy saddles smiles.magical swirl i like the idea how going be lead ballerina how is it going be sassy saddles magical swirl asks.Sassy saddles pony called ballet shoes she humble enough play role sassy saddles smiles.magical swirl thinks alright you got yourself deal don't let me down alright sassy sadles steers at Sassy saddles.Sassy saddles i won't let you down magical swirl sassy saddles smiles.(sassy saddles hope this plan works maybe making ballet shoes snobish type quit ballet become balleriina sassy saddles grins) magical swirl well sassy saddles i need get back my canterlot dance hall bye sassy saddles magical swirl trots away,Sassy saddles need get back my canterlot botquie bye sassy saddles trots away.magical swirl goes to canterlot ballet acamdey attention my 11 ballerinas today we be doing show friday called ballerina greed it's about poor ballerina becomes rich and snobish all taken away.magical swirl smiles now lead role going be ballet shoes your lead role alright ballet shoes.Ballet shoes smiles thanks magical swirl ballet shoes smiles.magical swirl alright back dancing magical swirl smiles.After ballet pratice this going be interesting new ballet dance called ballerina greed this going be interesting right purple star.Purple star don't find it weird last night Sassy saddles talked you now you star the show?.Ballet shoes what do mean Purple star?.........Ballet shoes one sec purple star.Ballet shoes trots over to sassy saddles house what your intentions sassy saddles! ballet shoes yells.Sassy saddles there not evil.Ballet shoes tell me truth right now Sassy saddles ballet shoes gets angry.Sassy saddles sweetie not going tell you that you wil find out.Ballet shoes sighs.Trots back outside canterlot ballet acamdey magical swirl can we have serious talk magical swirl ballet shoes sighs.magical swirl what's the issue sweetie why we doing ballet dance called balleirna greed why? magical swirl ballet shoes asks.magical swirl sighs knew this was going to come.magical swirl takes ballet shoes into her private office.Ballet shoes so what going on here explain magical swirl tell me truth.magical swirl alright alright honey you desvere truth Sassy saddles is trying do ballerina greed that so you can become snobish ballerina dancer that is sassy saddles intentions magical swirl sighs.Ballet shoes why does everpony here in canterlot want me be snobish why.I love being ballerina and trying be honest why ballet shoes sighs.magical swirl honey this town not like ponyville were act average you need have certian image this town sorry feel this way but this just whole town is sorry just how it is magical swirl sighs.Ballet shoes sighs i need some help ballet shoes.Trots back her pink castle now 8pm Ballet shoes sees time she had fun at ponyville times she had fun just helping fillies and colts being good teacher.Ballet shoes the thing i wanted most now changing me from purple star and magical swirl Ballet shoes sighs i love being ballerina but just don't want be snobish i need get some help real badly but which pony.Next day tuesday after ballet practice ballet shoes goes back to ponyville sees rarity.Ballet shoes hi femine legend rarity ballet shoes sighs.Rarity at her botquie what matter sweetie sees ballet shoes sad.Ballet shoes rarity is right for me become snobish mare in canterlot or should just quit canterlot ballet acamdey i need some serious help Ballet shoes sghs.Rarity darling i saw you at ponyville dance hall you were amazing helping fillies and colts at ponyville but darling when get moved to canterlot have keep image being pretty and femine like just truth ballet shoes you either elite snobish or you either don't belong there sorry ballet shoes there no sugrcoating this sorry ballet shoes rarity sighs.Ballet shoes thanks for being honest rarity guess have become snobish ballerina princess thanks rartity Ballet shoes smiles.Rarity no problem remeber be humble good pony okay ballet shoes rarity smiles.Ballet shoes thanks.Ballet shoes talks hoofer steps i need have very serious talk.Hoofer steps what's matter honey.Ballet shoes hoofer steps should become snobish princess should i hoofer steps i need help.Hoofer steps.Hoofer steps this might sound crazy me but you need go way becoming snobish but same time being humble hoofer steps sighs.Ballet shoes you said Purple star not be greedy etc.Hoofer steps honey i was telling purple star not be greedy not her be jerk that was trying tell purple star fact is ballet shoes you need start becoming snobish say it again belong in canterlot you need be elite that just going has be sorry ballet shoes hoofer steps sighs.Ballet shoes your in it as well ballet shoes tell me truth ballet shoes in horror.Hoofer steps years ago when started out as ballerina i wanted move to canterlot become greatest ballerina dancer. i meet young magical swirl saw me great but then saw the snobish eltiest side i came back to ponyville open up ballet shcool this reason i why i opnned this up so ponyville have good but not snobish ballerinas but truth is magical swirl when she sends that letter you slowly becine snobish and rich you and fact ballet shoes you out grew me.Ballet shoes hoofer steps we still friends? Ballet shoes asks.Hoofer steps honey will still be friends as ballerinas but in ponyville you just don't belong here anymore outgrown just do dance ballerina greed okay hoofer steps smiles.Ballet shoes smiles thanks for you advice hoofer steps ballet shoes sighs.Hoofer steps remeber be strong be great ballerina hoofer steps smiles.Ballet shoes smiles leaves ponyville goes back her pink castle goodbye old life now snobish canterlot i go ballet shoes smiles.night friday ballerina greed sees canterlot ponies luna and celestia show up.Ballet shoes alright i'am ready magical swirl ballet shoe smiles.magical swirl good you know dirll ballet shoes magical swirl smiles.Ballet shoes starts off poor ballerina working away sees dance hall dances twirls and spins,then becomes famous greedy ballerina ponies edge there seats.Ballet shoes greed goes to far becomes poor apoligses last song give away alll m bits!!!!!.Ballet shoes finishes audience cheers.Ballet shoes i'am happy purple star ballet shoes smiles.Purple star you getting close to me becmoing rich ballerina very proud you sweetie.magical swirl well done sassy saddles very proud you honey that your slowy changing ballet shoes.Sassy saddles it's nothing eventuially she become good pretty and femine ballerina dancer sassy saddles smiles.Ballet shoes and purple star leave as they chat away the end.… credit goes to the base… credit goes to the base… credit goes to the base… credit goes to the base… credit goes to base… credit goes to the base
Thank you and have good day