cinyu — M/A Repeating Contest: Sep/Oct 2017!
#anime #contest #manga
Published: 2017-09-21 12:57:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 10298; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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August Contest ResultsWinner

Sep/Oct Contest

Sep/Oct Contest Theme: Artwork meets Literature

Combine artwork with Literature in a drawing of yours

  • The deadline of the contest is OCTOBER 30TH, 12:00AM (Pacific Time).
  • Your entry must abide by DeviantArt's Terms of Service and Policies.
  • Your entry must be new and created for this contest. Pre-existing works won't be accepted.
  • Entries must be submitted to your DeviantArt Gallery.
  • All entries must be drawn in Anime & Manga style.
  • Entries must be original. Fan Art entries will be ineligible.
  • No collaborations allowed. Merely because we can't split the prizes in this contest.
  • Tracing, eye-balling or heavy-referencing from other artists works won't be allowed.
  • You can only enter the challenge with one drawing.

Submit Entry


PrizesFirst Place - 3 Month CORE Membership
Two Runner ups - 1 Month CORE Membership

Contests F.A.Q.

How does this work?Every month you will be given a theme of what you'll have to create a Manga styled entry.

Is Fan Art or Fan Characters allowed?I'm afraid. We do not accept Fan Art or Fan Characters in our entries. We look for original art that contrain original characters and their universes.
That means, for example, your Naruto based OC isn't eligible to enter or win.

Can we submit pre-existing works that fit the theme?Your entry must be new and created for this contest. That means old artwords won't be accepted.

What style of art is allowed?Digital, Traditional and Mixed Media.



Community, Respect, Excellence, Artists, Trust, Empower.


Semi-official Community Relations group for the Anime and Manga galleries on DeviantArt. Your hub for Anime and Manga Daily Deviations, Articles, Contests & Challenges.

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Comments: 1

lapaowan [2018-09-09 11:03:57 +0000 UTC]

Hi! I have a question. Wath does it mean "combine artwork with literature"? should we write a piece of literature (a story or a poem) and combine it with a manga/anime artwork? or should we refer to some famous novel or poetry and make a related artwork (no fanart obviously)? thanks

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