Chochi-blue โ€” Angel Marionettes

Published: 2009-03-23 13:15:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1528; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 34
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Description Another speed painting. it's almost serious doodle

Yesterday I watched Symphonia OVA and cried because of it. after, I met Vesperia anime cutscene and cried because of it also. why?

it's because of these cute girls!
I realized there're some similarities between Estelle and Collette.
They're cute,Moe, Innocent, Naive, Pretty, funny, nice... and the main course is..they're being used as "puppet" and ...must die for the world's sake......one add on that makes me envy...they have handsome man by their side which care and love them ( arrgh...lloyd and Yuri, how lucky they are!)

They're sacrifise and suffer pain so much. I cannot stand seeing collette lost her humanity eventually,,,and Cannot stand When I see Estelle hurt so much, being forced to use her power... and being a human whose existence was being hated by the world.

so who actually suffer more? IDK....I just found both of them are so sweet

Why I draw them in angel pose...cuz when they unleashed their power....well,it's like something heavenly thingy. what different is..Estelle's power looked very destructive cmpared to Collette
now I feel like Vesperia can use Almateria also

but this pic showed their moe-ness... rather than angel-ness
OMG now somebody hold Lloyd and Yuri before anything we dont want happened

(C) NBGI Kosuke Fujishima
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Comments: 61

IAmAMysteryPerson [2009-06-07 13:24:27 +0000 UTC]

kya~~~ estelle with colette XDDD
Yup, bener. mereka dapet pacar yg ganteng2 Yuri dan Lloyd. (BENAR, Lloyd itu keren. Hanya aja otak IQnya yang kurang dari 50 itu.....)

Colette umur 16 tahun aja kok belum pubertas... *dibanting*

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Chochi-blue In reply to IAmAMysteryPerson [2009-06-07 14:35:03 +0000 UTC]

Lloyd caring kok...yaaah...masih kalah dari Yuri pastinya


Yuri juga gak pinter2 bgt, tapi gak bloon juga

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IAmAMysteryPerson In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-06-08 06:11:25 +0000 UTC]

Lloyd itu walaupun pelajarannya dihiasi nilai merah, dia lumayan pinter juga kok. Buktinya satu-satunya orang yg tahu keadaan Colette.

Tapi Yuri itu lumayan pake otak kok. Buktinya dia menyerah kalo perlu, terus satu-satunya orang yg mengerti taktik bertarung XDDDDD

Yuri dan Estelle itu lumayan romantis, kok. Hanya aja cara yg mereka lakukan itu tidak langsung XDD Buktinya sebelum battle ama Aurnion (betul gak?), mereka itu (secara tidak langsung) confess each other kyaa~~~

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Chochi-blue In reply to IAmAMysteryPerson [2009-06-08 12:26:17 +0000 UTC]

eeeh?? mananya yang confess?? sisi mana??

Yuri emang pake otak, tapi barbar bgt kadang dia..kebanyakan gaya

tetep cool seeeh whatever he is

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IAmAMysteryPerson In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-06-09 05:10:22 +0000 UTC]

Dua-dua XDDD

Setiap orang itu memang suka gaya2 aja XD Kalo Yuri ga kabanyakan gaya ya bukan Yuri XDDDD

Yup, he's still cool

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Chochi-blue In reply to IAmAMysteryPerson [2009-06-10 08:22:17 +0000 UTC]

leon juga...spada juga....

mau lagiii hero kaya gituu

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omae-wa-neko [2009-03-28 04:22:23 +0000 UTC]

yeas great moe good!!!
lw kalo buat yg kaya gini mantep juga..

cuplikannya vesperia udah ada? o.o

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-03-28 11:44:03 +0000 UTC]

sebab Estelle ama Collete emang moe...

udah ada 3 movie...hiks....Almateria semua dah

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-31 15:02:31 +0000 UTC]

more "moe" when you play it... orz..

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-04-01 12:11:41 +0000 UTC]

Estelle moe..tapi dia jadi rada genit...pasti gr2 yuri nih.dan gw. demi dapet gald banyak, gw suru Estelle part time di midnight club, pake sexy dress yd dipilihin Yuri XP

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-04-01 12:43:58 +0000 UTC]

aduh bau2nya mau bikin doujin ya ini..

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-04-01 12:48:38 +0000 UTC]

oh nggak..that happened in the game.
kan buat dapet attachment tertentu kudu kerja sambilan. kalo di Abyss, biasanya jd maid di cafe kaya dinner dash. tapi kalo Estelle..kok klab malam yah? gak negrti ini kenapa Vesperia...

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-04-01 13:02:23 +0000 UTC]

mungkin kalo club malem lebih hot....
uhh.. dont mind.. =.=

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-04-01 13:11:33 +0000 UTC]

Estelle emang hot..cew2 tales laen gak pernah jadi korban H. baru dia..saking hotnya...

uda gitu..pk sexy dress juga mau pula ...18 tahun ngejomblo..dapet cowok ganteng tapi mesum...untung2 sial

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-04-01 13:19:47 +0000 UTC]

memang ada doujin H-hrmm nya estelle? o.o

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-04-01 13:22:10 +0000 UTC]

oooh banyak.
syg gak bs download
ugh Estelle sexy bgt kalo pake dress yang mini itu...

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-04-01 13:38:59 +0000 UTC]

kenapa tidak bisa? mungkin kena proxy blocker special dari yg diatas..

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-04-01 13:47:37 +0000 UTC]

iya nih...harus pesen online
tapi nanti kalo di check bokap gimana?

papa : Chanyyyy kamu beli apa?
Me : Ohh err... I'm 17.17.damai, peace okay?
papa : Pendosaaa!
me : Nggak lah! hentai vesperia gak ada nudenya! asal gak liat aurat kan gak papa tha??

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-04-01 13:51:51 +0000 UTC]

gimana caranya ga liat auratnya? o.o
ahahaha... memang pesen diem2 trus buka bungkus diem2 ga bisa?

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-04-02 12:39:45 +0000 UTC]

gak digamabr selama adegan tuh...tertutup. karena yang bikin cewek, penagrangnya sendiri ngaku cm pgn menulis manisnya gejolak asmara Yuri estelle, bukan mau fanservice-an

hmm...sulit. biasanya di cek

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-04-02 14:06:56 +0000 UTC]

ooo yg buat cewe... biasanya lebih mentingin cerita sama feel kalo cewe..

kalo yg buat cowo biasanya dihajar abis2an.. -__-'' (gw nggak lho..)

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Chochi-blue In reply to omae-wa-neko [2009-04-03 13:05:21 +0000 UTC]

kalo cowok..murni buat seneng2 doang. kayak yang rita tuh. reasoningnya gak jelas, kayanya cuma pgn nelanjangin Rita

dan yang yuri estelle..daripada hentai lebih tepat disebut Adult doujinshi mungkin. gak nude, cuma fragrance ama dirty kiss

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omae-wa-neko In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-04-03 13:09:32 +0000 UTC]

iya hardcore bgt dah.. haha!

tapi ada kan ya yg adult doujinshi gitu? gw juga mau kalo lw ketemu..

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gokiman [2009-03-24 23:56:37 +0000 UTC]

wah cho... kamu mesti sering2 gambar ginian

eh? ToS ada OVAnya?
liat dimana?

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Chochi-blue In reply to gokiman [2009-03-25 13:38:34 +0000 UTC]

err...maksudnya gbr cewek seksi kah?
ada yang jual DVDnya di ITC. di youtube juga ada.
wagh itu anime super deh...kayak novel...susah dicerna tapi indah ..apalagi didukung OSTnya yang waw......

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gokiman In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-26 17:26:43 +0000 UTC]

ngga... ngga harus seksi, yang penting cewe XD

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Chochi-blue In reply to gokiman [2009-03-27 13:40:53 +0000 UTC]

yang penting moe kalo aku sih
aku suka cew tipe yang gini2 X3

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gokiman In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-27 17:23:25 +0000 UTC]

bagus itu.... pertahankan!
kalo gambar gitu terus ntar masuk itb deh

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Chochi-blue In reply to gokiman [2009-03-28 11:53:03 +0000 UTC]

hehhe...tapi cowok ganteng n cowok cantik gak dilewatkan juga doong

biar bisa bareng sama n senpai

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gokiman In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-28 14:03:05 +0000 UTC]

jangan... kalo cowo harus digambar kaya om2 biar keren.

wah asik... di angkatan lu ada berapa yang mau masuk seni rupa itb?

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Chochi-blue In reply to gokiman [2009-03-29 11:48:50 +0000 UTC]

dikit bgt
kalo umur 21 bisa ditolerir...tapi..

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SierraLatkje [2009-03-24 13:39:27 +0000 UTC]

uwaah...iyaa, sweet banget....
hiks...iya, aku juga udah nonton ToS..kasiaaann banget si Colette...eh..ternyata estelle juga..?

tunggu..yang ini aku gak setuju nih..Lloyd?? ganteng?????
Yuri sih emangggg tapi lloyd gak level lah....

yang ganteng itu kratossss!!!!! Kyaaa~~~@!!

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Chochi-blue In reply to SierraLatkje [2009-03-25 13:40:44 +0000 UTC]

bener....aku sampe nangis..kalo denger almateria mpe terngiang2
ama adegan nan sedih itu

ohohohooo...bukalah youtube dan ketik "Vesperia animated cutscene 4"
itu...persis adegan di ToS..pas Collete kesakitan gunain kekuatannya

iya deh..Loyd emang gak ganteng...tapi siapa yg gak mo punya cow kaya dia?
tapi...emang yuri yang ganteng

tapi collete masih lebih polos..Estelle...kadang... betingkah kayak...ya gitu deh

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SierraLatkje In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-26 14:43:30 +0000 UTC]



aduhh pengen liat..tapi pengen main sendirii....

enggak tuh..ya dia baek sih...tapi enggak dewasa... lagian kuatan kratos...aku mau kratos aja!!

ah, jangan dibilangi deh..

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Chochi-blue In reply to SierraLatkje [2009-03-27 13:45:17 +0000 UTC]

wahahaha maen aja ke rumahku hihihihihi
dia emang baek..tapi...dewasaan Yuri (ya iyalah!)

kalo collete kan polos kanak2 murni..
kalo estelle, masih ada genitnya kdang marah kalo dibilang gak seksi, ditantang ngegodain penjaga mau aja, dipilihin baju seksi yang kebuka bgt sama Yuri dipake juga...terus dia juga iri sama dada Judith yang gede...

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abyss-brigade [2009-03-24 01:16:25 +0000 UTC]

Awwww!!! That is so cute!!! You have captured the adorableness and the purity of these two!!!!
It is sad.TT3TT Why is it always on the adorable and innocent ones?!

Nice job as always!!!!X3 Keep it up Yuri-chan!! (you don't mind about your nickname..do you?)

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Chochi-blue In reply to abyss-brigade [2009-03-25 13:45:27 +0000 UTC]

wow...I dont mind it if you call me that!

yeah, why it's always the innocent one?
but they're really strong at heart. I mean..>Estelle didn't cry even she know she was unwanted by the world, collete didn't complaint although being an angel is hurting herself..

but Lloyd act so sweet to Collete...while Yuri....didn't or haven't?

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abyss-brigade In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-05-02 17:25:47 +0000 UTC]

Yes!! That is so true. Lloyd and Collete is love Yuri and Estelle...I don't know..lol

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Chochi-blue In reply to abyss-brigade [2009-05-03 10:33:40 +0000 UTC]

yeah..I played to the end..and...
come on..none of hot coffee scene???

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Kurama-chan [2009-03-23 22:51:36 +0000 UTC]

I promised that I wouldn't watch Symphonia OVA without playing the game, since I though the Phantasia OVA was horrible and had almost nothing to do with the game ><

Ah...your drawing is really nice and cute! ^^

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Chochi-blue In reply to Kurama-chan [2009-03-25 13:46:20 +0000 UTC]

wohoo...thanks. you planing to play Symphonia?

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Kurama-chan In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-25 16:06:31 +0000 UTC]

When I get a Nintendo Wii XD

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Chochi-blue In reply to Kurama-chan [2009-03-26 13:08:13 +0000 UTC]

well, have fun!

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Linitaa [2009-03-23 17:56:52 +0000 UTC]

Nyaaaw they're so cute ! I love it <3
This is cool if they have all these similarities. I'd like to play Tales of Vesperia รฉ_รจ
Anyway good job, you did their soft mood very well And the colors are nice to see !

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Chochi-blue In reply to Linitaa [2009-03-25 13:49:03 +0000 UTC]

thanks!yes...Beside...Collette and Estelle in skit acted almost the same..you know, that cheering up thingy, adorable comments, and the "tehehehe" smile on them^^
what different is... Estelle sometimes too vulgar. maybe cuz she's an adult or was affected by Yuri ( whose brain is dirty comapred to Lloyd)

and yes...their fate was sad T_T

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Linitaa In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-27 20:02:52 +0000 UTC]

Haha I see, this is a funny difference though xD This is amusing to see a "cute girl" talking a little vulgarly

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Chochi-blue In reply to Linitaa [2009-03-28 11:51:38 +0000 UTC]

you bet!
I wonder what will happen if..Lloyd was with Estelle and at reverse, Yuri is with Collete...

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Linitaa In reply to Chochi-blue [2009-03-28 23:25:55 +0000 UTC]

Haha, it would be strange xD I don't know if they would handle, especially YurixColette

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Chochi-blue In reply to Linitaa [2009-03-29 11:45:00 +0000 UTC]

Yuri cannot win from collete's word. Estelle lose from Yuri's word, but not collete. while, Lloyd will be confused...

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gummypocky [2009-03-23 15:59:05 +0000 UTC]

GOSH these 2 look cute together ^_^ The pink and the yellow really go well together IMO. Maybe that's why Zagi's hair looks so cool. hehe...

Their eyes are adorable. you have a very cute drawing style. perconally I think Colette probably suffered more... but they both have pretty sad stories. I'm not a huge fan of Colette, but she's slowly growing on me. She's so innocent and Naive just like Estelle... but there's something about Estelle that makes me like her a whole lot more

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