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Please Read My Journal when you have a chance!!!
Urgent! Please Read and Share! INCENTIVES!!!UPDATE 2: My wonderful friend, ElectricEidolon is offering a Chibi Animation to anyone who helps me out and donates $20 to me! If you guys are interested, check out her journal!
Thank you so much!
UPDATE: I haven't gotten any donations yet, so I'm bumping up this journal again to insert into your feeds! If you could help me out, I would be grateful, and I will even give you something in return, free shipping!
Just note me after you donate and let me know about it, and follow the journal details for more!!
Please share if you can! I would appreciate it!!
Thanks again guys!!!
Hi guys!
You might remember that I had set up a GoFundMe page. Well, I have not had anyone help me out so far, and I completely understand that money is hard during this day and age.
So, I am wanting to set up incentives if you donate!!!
I will pay for shipping and handling for everything, so that wil
Feel free to use and there's no need to give me credit for using this on deviantART! Just make sure that you fav it when you get the chance!!