Description by Pride-Color-Schemes :
Bxy (pronounced like boy or boy-x)
A gender that is both boy and agender/no gender. You can be a boy and agender/no gender at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling male and not feeling gender.
- Emphasizes being male.
- Spelled bxy with an X instead of an O as if you’re crossing out that you’re a boy.
- Kinda similar to demiboy (where agender/no gender is the non-boy part), agenderflux (with fluctuations between agender and male), or being genderfluid between agender/no gender and male.
- Can be used as trans bxy if you chose to, but only if you’re afab (similar to trans masculine being exclusively for afab trans people).
Term coined by: @sadghostbxy
[Image: 7 stripes, black, gray, light blue, blue, light blue, gray, black].
Full size [Here]
Designed by: sadghostbxy
Color meanings: A combo of the agender flag and transmasculine flag.
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