For:… !!
Name: Seka! (Sound of ocean waves and the cawing of seagulls)
Alias/Nickname: N/A
Species: Kenku!
Gender: Male (And Available)
Age: 15 Years (A strapping young adult bachelor in bird years!)
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 55 lbs.
Strengths: Speedy lil guy- He is quick on his feet, having lighter bones and one birdy body. He doesn't land hard either!
Dexterous- Shuffles a mean deck. A Very Mean (Magical) Deck. Is also capable of slyly cheating at Poker and other Card Games. He has light fingers for relieving stranger's heavy pockets of their weight. Quite good at aiming weak spots with his dagger- thrown or otherwise.
Abilities: Card Casting- Hearts: Ice, Diamonds: Acid. Spades: Fire. Clubs: Electricity. Joker: Healing.
Jacks, Queens, Kings: Make the cards explode in the element that they're in.
Mimicry- Seka can not speak the Common Language. He is inept at forming his own words. He can however, speak in phrases. He can perfectly copy a voice he's heard, down to the T. Did you want a completely chopped up sentence that sounds like a gruff barkeep, a maid, that one weird person from the shadows, and a random passerby child from the street all attempted to say one after another? You've found the right bird who can do that for you! He's also capable of speaking normally in Bird, so. If you understand Bird, it'll be an easier time communicating with him.
Weaknesses: Light. He's really light. You can just pick him up. It's so easy. Push him, he'll probably fall over. He's not very... how you say... Muscular, either.
He has a limited number of cards in his arsenal. He needs to collect all his cards and reshuffle them when he runs out or needs cards he's already used. The cards can be destroyed, stolen, heavily damaged... etc. Once those are gone, all he has is his knife. No more magic until he can repair and restore his cards.
Mimicry- With an ability to perfectly copy others' voices, he does not have his own voice to speak with. If he hasn't heard a word or phrase; he cannot repeat it. Complicated sentences escape him for this reason.
Bird brain- Even though he's a smart little guy, there's always a catch. He adores shiny things, (and girls) so it's very easy to find a way to distract him. He has a hard time realizing that there is clean glass between him and something else.
Personality: Seka is... What you call... A nice guy. He's really nice! He'll always listen to your troubles... He'll be there for you when your boyfriend makes you cry... and he'll keep the door open for you!
If you're a lady, that is. Seka is a Gentleman. He is looking for a wife. Are you looking for a man that will treat you right? Looking for someone who will provide for you? Bring the food home? Well, he doesn't have that right now, but he's working on it. He will become the ideal mate. He's waiting for his Love, who could be any lucky lady! Please give him a chance!
When he isn't... "working," he's honest to a t. As best as he can, at least, granted the way he communicates.
He loves girls and he loves shiny things, flashy clothes, and also... Girls!!! Please call him today.
Also! Don't distract him with shiny things! That's definitely not a weakness, I swear!
He's also single minded, spending most of his time focusing on the largest needs to his mental RAM. And, while he would never hit a lady; he would if he really. Really. REALLY. Needed to. Sometimes they want to fight, too! He cannot deny them that right.
History: Seka was born by the ocean. His earliest memories are the distant sound of waves and hungry yelling seagulls. He grew up with a few brothers and sisters, but as soon as he learned of monetary value, he left that home and moved to a city. And by moved I mean he lived on the streets, "working" by getting strangers and drunks to gamble their money away with him. He got into a couple debts for food, but other than that he was alright. He is constantly dreaming of a happy family life where he lives in lavish luxury.
Extra: Dealing Glove: A magical focus of sorts- only activates when he shuffles his deck to recharge them of their abilities. The glove was not made for, nor given to him. He simply helped the travelling magician have less stuff to carry around!