When Gaia and Syndel first started working together, they tried doing what they did best, and drafted the first idea of a creature both angelic and demonic. They tried to make it work, and all the numbers checked out. The blueprint was ready. But when they tried to make it happen for real...nothing. There was something that prevented true angel/demon hybridation, and even the gods themselves couldn't figure out what. So they left it as an idea, and went on to eventually create Medius, which was a far better success.
But the thing with ideas, is that they live forever.
Meet First Attempt. The idea of a being both angel and demon, and yet neither. For it is not an actual being, since it never obtained a body or a soul. We're not even sure it exists for real. And yet it has a voice, and a will, and the crushing weight of freedom over its shoulders. It's an idea, given life through nothing but persistence. An idea that cannot exist in any realm, and yet that speaks odd words into the minds of whoever reads the scroll telling of its creation.
Attempt theorically has abilities pertaining to both races; but since it'll never be put into situations where it needs to use pendants or go berserk, there's no way to prove it. It hasn't been assigned an element, since it was never born, and while it should be able to use both holy and dark magic, it can do neither.
The exact details of its existence are blurry. Same with its goals. Does it exist at all, or is it merely a hallucination? No one knows. Especially not poor Mitten who comes across said forgotten scroll.
One thing's for sure: hijinks will ensue.
I feel like everyone and their mother has done a Demon/Angel Mixling OC at some point, no? Is it just an impression? I mean we all know that "We don't know if it's possible" means "It's possible if plot-relevant". I think.
Anyway go read Slightly Damned.
Edit: Updated to reflect changes in face patterns, hair color and other slight tweaks.