Pic I did as a warmup of my absolutely vile BBEG Alsine. He's a stereotypical villain in every way, and every bad stereotype that comes with an Illithid, he makes sure to have in spades.
The legendary Illithid Pride? Hooo boy, if you aren't worshipping him from the moment you set eyes on him, then you'll either be flayed or feebleminded into submission. As head of the Nourisher Creed, Alsine rules with an iron tendril, and with his dual status as Ulitharid, he's got plenty of servants, both humanoid and Illithid as his thralls. If anything, it's a bit of a collection, and one he's always eager to add to, especially since it doubles as a living pantry.
In regards to adventuring parties, Alsine follows a strict 'gotta catch 'em all' mentality. After all, he's already supped on the Warlock, why not dine on the Cleric next?