BronyMarine1 — The Blessing: A Second Chance Chapter 2 : Arrival
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Description The Blessing: A Second Chance
Chapter 2: Arrival

By: BronyMarine1

Thump, Thump, Thumpthumpthump.

That was the noise that had echoed through the orchard at Sweet Apple Acres for the better part of the morning.  Every so often there would be a break in the noise as the young orange farm pony removed her favorite Stetson and wiped the sweat from her brow with her foreleg.

"Phew," she breathed, "This is one of the warmest summer days that ah can remember."

Replacing her favorite hat, she moved onto the last tree in the line.  This also happened to be the last tree of the day for Applejack.  Taking up her stance she balanced on her front legs as she raised her rear legs and delivered a swift and powerful kick to the trunk of the apple tree.


Instead of the apples that the farm pony expected, a very surprised cyan pegasus with a rainbow colored mane hit the ground.

"Rainbow Dash, how many times do I have ta tell ya to stay outta mah trees?", The apple farmer asked as she eyed her friend who currently had her muzzle firmly planted in the ground.

The only thing that Applejack could grasp from the muffled reply was that it was incredibly hard to understand a pony when their mouth was not only full of dirt, but in it.  After a few seconds of struggling Rainbow Dash managed to remove her face from the ground.  And after some spitting and sputtering she managed to get most of the dirt out of her mouth.

"Well, would it kill you to look up before you buck sometimes?" she finally replied with an annoyed tone.

"Well, if ya went to bed at a decent hour, maybe ya wouldn't need ta take so many naps in mah trees."  Applejack countered.

The two friends stood, eyes narrowed defiantly at each other.  Rainbow Dash sat staring at her friends emerald green eyes while her own put on a display of annoyance.  Applejack mirrored the facial expression as she stared into the magenta eyes of her friend.  They both stood there for a few seconds, neither willing to let down her façade of annoyance.  

'Oh Nelly,' thought Applejack, 'If ah keep staring at the dirt on her muzzle, I think I'm gonna bust out laughing.'

'Real smooth there Rainbow-crash' Rainbow Dash scolded herself internally, ' And here you are, supposedly the greatest flier in all Equestria, and you face-plant right into the ground.  But the look on Applejack's face when I started to fall was priceless.'

The two friends had their thoughts at about the same time, and both tried desperately to suppress a giggle.  They both failed in the end as a snicker slipped from both of their mouths and the duo fell to the ground laughing.  After a few moments the two were forced to stop after their sides began to ache.  As the two rose from the ground, still giggling, Applejack was the first to speak.

"Well RD, while you're here, how's about y'all help me with putting these apples in the cellar?"

Rainbow Dash looked to her friend, and then to the carts of apples, and then to the sky.  She considered telling her friend that she had other things to do, but her conscious started to nag at her.  

'I can't just leave a friend hanging.  Not to mention that AJ has helped me out a lot lately…'

Rainbow Dash looked at the apples, and then at her friend again.

"Well…." She started, but the hopeful look on her friend's face ended that option.

"Sure, why not.  I've got nothing better to do anyway." She finally relented.

"Thanks Rainbow," Applejack said with a smile. "It really means a lot."

"Don't mention it, just as long as I get the first mug of cider."

Applejack giggled at the audacity of her friend's demand.

"Sure Rainbow, Ah promise."

Later on, the two finally managed to get all the days apples into the cellar below the barn.

"Thanks again Rainbow Dash."  Said Applejack, "You really saved me some time and energy by helping me with those carts, now I can get around to some other stuff that needs doin'."

"No problem AJ," Rainbow Dash said as she unhitched herself from the cart, "just as long as you remember our deal, I can't ever get enough of that cider."

Applejack was about to reply when something like a thunderclap cut her off.  

The two friends looked to the sky where the sound originated, and were shocked to see a huge metal boat falling from the sky.  It was spinning uncontrollably and spewing smoke from one end.

Applejack watched in horror as the contraption crashed into her orchard and knocked down several of her beloved apple trees.  When she saw the smoke start to rise from the treetops she felt a tremor of fear run down her spine.

"FIRE, FIRE!!!" She screamed.  A vision of her family's entire livelihood of apple trees going up in flames fueled her fear.

The two friends took off in a mad dash towards the crash site…..
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