brandyesparza — Popcorn Klown Puppet

Published: 2008-11-13 18:21:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 1738; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 0
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Description Sculpted for Bump in the Night Productions, copyright 2007. Reproduced prop from the movie "Killer Klowns From Outer Space". Working puppet, see [link]
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Comments: 6

Blattaphile [2009-02-28 14:28:58 +0000 UTC]

Wow, you were the one to do the sculpt for these? Awesome There should totally be a toilet klown done like the popcorn klown.

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Blade-of-the-Moon [2008-11-23 02:43:46 +0000 UTC]

I have this puppet from BITN... really cool but I wish the final product looked more like the one you sculpted... I think they blew so much detail by having it made cheaply in China.

Have you been commisioned for any other Klowns or props from Chuck ?

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brandyesparza In reply to Blade-of-the-Moon [2008-11-24 21:09:22 +0000 UTC]

I work with BITN regularly, and have been sculpting for the company since 2001. It would be great if we could get every prop to look exactly like the first pull out of the mold. We do strive to have better than most to offer everyone, and want people to find the prices practical. We have produced one of a kinds when people are willing to pay for the labor that goes into them, starting at around $300 and going up. Thanks.

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Blade-of-the-Moon In reply to brandyesparza [2008-12-03 02:41:29 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for the late reply,

The complaints I've heard have only been since BITN joined with Morris it seems..past quality was fine and the prices as well..

I'll consider your idea, maybe not for the popcorn puppet...since I wanted it for use in our haunt next year and 300.00 would be an awful lot for something that stands a good chance of damage or wear. I have been loooking for a Rottin' Cotton puppet for my personnal collection if you think Chuck would still do one.

I really hope there are more Klowns planned...there is at least one or two more diff ones that need doing..

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muffinsforkanami [2008-11-14 00:56:55 +0000 UTC]

o so cool!I want one! lol...seriously xD
how long did that take you?

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seincrediblemaischl [2008-11-13 18:38:18 +0000 UTC]

disgusting, i like him X-D

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