bpinalone — Time has expired

Published: 2011-02-09 19:27:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 404; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 4
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This took a while. What this really drove home to me was that color perception is context sensitive. Do you see that sky? The clouds are obviously pink, but initially the clear blotches of sky looked like a dark bluish green to me. However, Photoshop's color picker reveals that the sky is really a dull, dark yellow-orange.

The memory paint is hillarious. I don't immediately remember how long the model's dress, and my colors have too high a contrast. I also didn't remember how the model posed her legs, nor her dark leather boots. I mainly get the composition, however, but I forgot what the tower looked like.

Its easy to forget how detailed a photograph can be when trying to replicate it. Now, when I began detailing the sky I was trying to be as photorealistic and accurate as possible. However, I soon realized that if that were the case, all I had to do to get an accurate depiction of this picture was to hit ctrl-c, ctrl-v. If an artist's style is a combination of his or her flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings when depicting reality, then it would be futile for me to be so exacting. So I started to let loose.

There are differences between my copy and Doucesse's original manipulation. My tower is blurrier and less lovingly rendered. My model isn't quite as detailed in her dress's folds, nor did I shade as much value. And I'm not too proud of the grass covered ground either. This is definitely still rough, but I can't compel myself to work on it anymore. This is an amateur's painting of Doucesse's scene. But while applying colors in a photomanipulation can be as easy as changing a layer style or clicking an action, trying to manually apply these melancholy colors is another story completely.

Yes, most of the colors on this are different variations of red!
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Comments: 1

Doucesse [2011-02-09 19:38:50 +0000 UTC]

This is fantastic ! Beautiful work!

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