New Species - CRAVLINGS!
This has been on my to-do list FOREVER (even is this account is a little dying/ dead).
I couldn't give up on this cute species!
NAME | Cravlings | crave-lings
Comes from "cave lings" and crave/ cravings
This is a bat/ humanoid hybrid with gooey features.
Some dwell in dark places relaxing only in the moonlight, while others live in busy areas soaking up the sunlight!
They are born with their monster tail that is their buddy for life.
The tail is like a intelligent pet with it's own conscious.
Since Cravling's eyesight are poor, their tail is like a support animal helping guide them in life!
90% of Cravlings get along with their monster tail, but for the ones that don''s a very stressful sight to see.
Craveings are a closed species which means you can NOT create your own.
Art & Cravlings Speices © BoozeDoll
Please & Thank you