Blanco-Pantera — Lil' Gremlin

Published: 2006-02-13 23:16:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 582; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 42
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Description This is just a little monster that popped in my head for a web cartoon idea. I just thought that the young female demographic could use some more cartoons for them, except this one would have been a little darker. The plot would involve a little dark (I guess goth would be the right word?)girl, ignored by her rich, busy parents, and left alone with no friends to play with. Therefore she decides to go out by herself one day and on her trek, she finds a goulish looking dog, that becomes her best friend. Later in the cartoon, the dog would lead her underground to a bunch of gremlins and monsters, hence this character. Each would get her in trouble, but always help her in the end anyways.

I realized this dream wasn't possible, since 1) I don't know how to create a cartoon(although it's big dream of mine) and 2) "I got's no money, Homes!!!"...but you know just a dumb idea. Oh yeah, about the art, tell me what you think.....
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Comments: 2

queenzenobia [2006-02-14 06:41:00 +0000 UTC]

Yay, I´ve always wanted to create a cartoon... but I just give up after one page, usually xP
It´s so well pixeled O.O I can hardly see the Monster thingie is pixeled at all *stares*

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scrik [2006-02-14 00:38:38 +0000 UTC]

funnt goblin, but there isnt any animation?

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