Teagan's Backpack
Teagan is no stranger to falling asleep on the couch. Who would've thought caring for an egg could be so tiring. Well, it most certainly is if you live alone, all of your Pokemon want to show what good future parents they'd make (all at once, duh), and you happened to sustain a mild but very annoying injury that's gonna limit your movement for a few days. Pokemon training and skating don't really go together when you're pretty new to both, do they now...
4/4 Hatch art for the random Swarm egg
:: LEVELS ::
Judith gains +6 Levels (Fullbody, Shaded, DBG, Partial Shaded Trainer)
Carol gains +6 Levels (Fullbody, Shaded, DBG, Partial Shaded Trainer)
:: PD BONUS ::
Detailed Background: +400 PD