big11111 — Storm commando

#lego #starwarsfanart #galacticempire #imperialarmy #stormcommando #legostarwars #expandedunivers #legostarwarsdecals
Published: 2020-05-18 19:24:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 365; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 2
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Description "Who were those guys? I've never seen stormtroopers like those."
"Those were storm commandos. They're elite soldiers responsible for carrying out special operations against the rebellion."
―Luke Skywalker and Tycho Celchu during the Mission to Dantooine

The Storm Commandos, also known as Imperial Commandos or Shadow Scouts, were the Special forces of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps.

One task for storm commandos was to instigate uprisings on enemy systems or to subdue insurrections on Imperial-held worlds.

They also served as second-wave attackers in the battlefield, tasked with holding territory won by the first wave.
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