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Abuse does not define you. You are not a victim, you are a survivor. What happened to you does not take away your worth, you are still worth something, you are still somebody and you can still take action in your life. You CAN live your life and you CAN be happy again.
By leaving the abuse you already took your first step to freedom, you are well on your way. You will have days of fear, regret, grief and utter sadness, but that does not mean you are weak, it means you are a human, you will FEEL and it is okay to grieve. You are strong, your proved that already by leaving.
This is not just a self portrait photoshoot, this is a photoshoot Autumn (my beautiful daughter who is due February) did together. We left the abuse together, we survived together and now we are creating a life together.
This photoshoot proves (to me and hopefully other people undergoing a similar circumstance) that it is possible to move forward after domestic/ sexual abuse. It is possible to live a normal life after such a tragedy. Yes, it is painful, it is unbelievably painful, but time does heal because where you may be right now, weather it is within a painful or difficult situation, that is not where you are going to be forever. You are change, you are the light and you CAN press on in to a life that is healthier (and happier) for yourself and/ or for you children as well.
BIG NEWS (literally)
There is going to be a new addition to the self portrait family... I have not told you guys yet but I am 26 weeks pregnant with my little girl Autumn Joy Borbely.
This has been the reason why I have been a bit scarce on my posting/ photographing, I am preparing for a mini me 😃
We are both survivors; we managed to flee a highly abusive relationship (hence why the father is no longer in the picture and never will be) we were both almost killed by his own hands. I know I should have made a post about this a little earlier, however I just wasn't ready. I am still recovering mentally from the whole ordeal, however Autumn and I are growing stronger each day!
here we are 😃 I am looking forward to hopefully getting around to my creative portrait/ self portrait work very soon, please bare with me at this time!