STORYLINE: In the treetops of Madagascar, nestled amongst the vibrant leaves and swaying branches, lies the colorful village of the Owl Tribe. Their shaman, known as Ombiasy Rakoto, had long white dreadlocked hair and white tribal markings on his purple skin. From his staff swung a shrunken skull, a symbol of his power and connection to the spirits. Perched on his shoulder was the watchful white owl Kijabe who acted as his eyes and ears. Together, they kept a vigilant watch over the village, protecting their people from the evil Unweaver. But one day, a darkness fell upon the village, and the Unweaver's shadow crept closer. With his people in danger, the shaman knew he had to act fast. Summoning all of his strength and magic, Rakoto and Kijabe set out to battle the Unweaver.
EVENT: Fantasy Faire
Designers Shown: CKit Falconry, CERBERUS, DOBS, Wild, NO.MATCH, L’Emporio&PL, LeLUTKA, TheShops, 3M
Khumbala ~ Sponsored by Novus Ascending, Khumbala… to: