— Psychomachia
2009-05-19 13:51:17 +0000 UTC
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Ok, this is hard for me to put this image right here, right now.
I've been working for at least one month on it, and i can say right now= it's a complete failure!
But i put so much effort to make the photos, to draw my character, to think my project, that i HAVE to put it right here, right now.
This is clearly not a "winning entry"...
Psychomachia, or the battle for the construction of the mind.
I really didn't want to make binary "white" good, vs "black" bad, and i really tried to look for "transitions", for what we all have in ourselves, for relationship between what's supposed to be bad, and what's supposed to be good.
Psychomachia=In slightly less than a thousand lines, the poem describes the conflict of vices and virtues.
There are 7 important battles:
Fides vs. Veterum Cultura Deorum
Pudicitia vs. Sodomita Libido
Patientia vs. Ira
Mens Humilis et Spes vs. Superbia et Fraus
Sobrietas vs. Luxuria
Ratio et Operatio vs. Avaritia
Concordia et Fides vs. Discordia cognomento Haeresis
La Foi contre le Paganisme et l'Idolâtrie
La Chasteté contre la Luxure
La Patience contre la Colère
L'Humilité et l'Espérance contre l'Orgueil et la Tromperie
La Tempérance contre la Débauche
La Raison et la Charité contre l'Avarice
L'Unité et la Foi contre la Discorde nommée Hérésie
OK, my main goal here was to represent these battles in a common place, and incarnate these couples in 1 person,1 couple, more persons, or 1 objet,etc...
So in this image you have all 7 fights.
I tried to look "inside" the battles, for example:
patience vs anger= for me it's TIME that link them both, and or "time management"
chastety vs lust= i worked on a point of view, a body where we can only see a mouth is changing all the meaning, and change the whole body attention.
I really wanted to do a "common" piece, where we can read a lot of things. AS usual you see what you want/like...
I will make a proper version i think in the future, but not now... Oh so not now....
This version is unfinished, unresolved, unborn.
My ideas are here, but the realisation really doesn't satisfy me at ALL, but if i don't put it here and now, it will rot in a junk hard drive...
little girl with flower: stockmichelle
violin: dani-stock
While i was messing my image up, i went on different path and made:
And this other entries: Robot :
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