BaadDogx2 — Final Fantasy XII

Published: 2009-05-03 14:42:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 517; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 3
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Description Man, you gotta love the classics, but sometimes new stars shine just as bright!

I love Final Fantasy XII on the same parallel as Kingdom Hearts and X....the story is just awesome, and the gameplay was so much fun! The characters were totally awesome too. ((Basch....*drool*))

I had to actually edit in the scar for "Basch" because that's not actually a picture of the REAL Basch....it's his equally-cute-twin-brother-posing-as-him-to-kill-the-emperor-of-Dalmasca-to-prevent-the-signing-of-a-peace-treaty-so-the-empire-could-get-their-lands-and-get-all-the-magicite-in-their-little-hiding-places.
So, take the red marker and edit in some scar for Noah. ((aka: "Basch"/Judge Gabranth/annoying little brother of Baschs.))

Venat only had ONE picture....one. I had to use my friends at the Myspace Square Enix KH team again for a better photo. ((credit to Amy, who was on and helped me out.))

I gotta say though, this one turned out good. I didn't add Doctor Cid in there though......he kicked my butt almost as many times as that stupid Tiamat. >.> Stoopied tiamat, I'll teach YOU to use that rake attack on me!!!!!

Used Mezzotint on the logo.....MAN I love Mezzotint.

--Photoshop Elements 7.0
-Copyright Square Enix....work by me.
---<3 Pinky
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Comments: 1

LhadyAshe21 [2009-05-25 16:00:24 +0000 UTC]

yeah..i love ffxii too^^

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