Artistjeffries — Pickfords' Diamond T

Published: 2010-02-09 17:57:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 1096; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description The Diamond T 980 was designed originally for the British Army during World War 2 as a ballast tractor to pull tank-transporter trailers and as such did sterling service in almost every theatre of the conflict except the Pacific where such vehicles were not needed.

After the War many Diamond Ts soldiered on for a futher 30 years with the military but many surplus vehicles found their way onto the civilain market where hauliers at the heavier end of the business found them ideal for their purposes.

One such concern was Pickfords, now Nationalised, who had 12 Diamond Ts after having had experience of using them during the War on vital war work with examples given to them by the Ministry of Supply from the R.A.O.C. Slough.

Here we see reg.No EGG 160, a vehicle acquired in 1949, moving a 60-ton boiler from Greenock in 1954 just one of the numerous heaviest and spectacular loads handled by these venerable lorries up to the late fifties.

The original painting in oils on board 26”x18” much enhanced and sharper detail is for sale at £1000.

E-mail mike@transportartist.co.uk

R.A.O.C.? Royal Army Ordnance Corps
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Comments: 1

mourri [2010-02-09 21:30:24 +0000 UTC]

I like the situation on the street. And I like the cold tuning colors.

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