Anxious-Space — Meet April!

Published: 2019-09-27 07:44:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 277; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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April is Thicket's daughter. Being his little gift from Hurdle and Bonus, Thicket is very protective of his daughter and thus will be judgmental of the relationships she makes. Thicket just wants to protect his baby girl.

April, despite being raised with an eye on her all the time, is very curious and loves to explore! Her personality is honestly all over the place, but very energetic!
She loves to make new friends, but is too trusting sometimes. Many can assume it's because she just wants a break from her dad every now and then, but she still loves him dearly.

Her theme is Cat Sprout   

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Comments: 1

Luxsovia [2019-09-27 19:24:52 +0000 UTC]

She’s super cute!! <3

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