This comic is a fictional story set in ancient Iberia, between the 6th and 1st centuries Before Christ, and follows the traditional plot of the hero's journey. An old priest explores his failing memory and recalls the exploits of Balkar, a legendary Iberian warrior.
Efforts have been made to maintain historical accuracy in areas such as clothing, weapons, architecture, tools, and household items. Nevertheless, the events recounted belong to the realm of fiction. It's difficult to create a story based solely on what we know from historical sources and archaeology when it comes to Iberian society.
The second volume picks up the story of our heroes after the terrible events of Bastiltur, the home of our protagonists. As a result, Balkar and his friends will find themselves caught up in the intricate web of alliances and strategies, between Contestania and Edetania. The sons of the rulers of the two main cities are betrothed to strengthen the blood ties between the two countries. The young lady Sicedunin of Saiti will undertake on a dangerous journey north, accompanied by the warriors of Bastiltur, led by Tarbanikor, Balkar and Baisetas.