Oh well. I couldn't do all my ideas, because some have been done, great minds right guys. So I'll do what I can for now. Here is a little costume code action for Akira, as Rebecca Chambers. Resident Evil fans please check out my page. She will be accompanied by Wesker or Chris Redfield of course as Daigo. Will post his mod as well. Gotta even them out a bit. Daigo mods, Akira mods. Well anyways. Here is one more for Akira. I have about 6 Ill be posting. She is a fun little character too.
*Multiple colors.
*Costume code takes off watch gloves and vest/shirt.
*Custom tube tops when costume code is applied.
*Perhaps even a barefoot version as well.
Comment's and favorites really help guys. They really do. As you know, this is just another type of character you guys can get in this game. Just follow the next few steps and you can become a supporter too.
1. Download the file
2. READ the included Text
3. Send me a NOTE here or message on discord. (Info in Text File) [ADD ME ONLY IF] - You want to talk about getting a mod after you read the text file.
4. Score getting your own custom mod too. SO EASY!!!!
5. Private models can be made as well if you want exclusivity.
DO ME A FAVOR Leave a comment if you want to see mods like this. ALSO - Please don't add me on discord, say can I get a link then delete me. That's just ridiculous. There's a note feature on DA for that type of talk