angelshimmermmd — Shirayuki's Old Outfit

#snowwhitewiththeredhair #anime #shirayuki #akagaminoshirayukihime
Published: 2019-04-23 05:13:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 311; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 2
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Description can we all agree that shirayuki is best waifu in this anime? like gahhhhhh!!! i love her so much!!!! and also i want to point out why is it that all red heads in anime's i'v seen always have something bad happen to them? like...........i just feel bad for them especially shirayuki 
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Comments: 1

Kailan-Ni-Hao [2019-04-23 05:14:10 +0000 UTC]

This is really nice!

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