Angel-Of-DeathX1 — Superior Spider-Man Symbol

#symbol #superiorspiderman
Published: 2014-09-27 23:03:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 4808; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 65
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Description I do not own this property. Superior Spider-Man and it's subsidiaries are the property of Marvel and Disney.

This is simply a work for fun on my part.

So I noticed that despite being a popular hero there are a great number of Batman and/or Superman symbol variations on Deviantart, but very few of Spider-man. To this end my annoyance grew and I made a simple one of the Superior Spider-Man symbol. Although I wasn't a big fan of the series run, I did like the uniform (I'm a sucker for suit changes if their good). This was made in MS paint with little time, could I have done better? I doubt it since MS Paint is all I have, someone out there could probably do much better.
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