Hello everyone!
After my absence I’ve decided to tackle some more animation related projects to prepare for future animated videos I’ll be creating for the Fading Light story! So, with that said, here’s a fun little run cycle I managed to throw together!
I finally figured out how to export high quality gifs, so I’ll be making a lot more in the future! I tried to make this as simple as possible, but still fluid in the movement and the repeating frames, so I used only 4 frames and copy/pasted them a few times to make the loop!
I hope you guys like this little mini post before I dive back into the more complex pieces I have planned, and after an unexpected hiatus on the comic, I’m ready to continue producing more pages! It took some shuffling and revising of the story, so I’m still working on that a bit, but it’s mostly done so I can get them lined, colored, and posted faster!
Ill also be trying to make a lot more character story time pages, because I feel that they provide some good insight into each of my OC’s, and gives them each some time to shine for their individual stories! Fernstar will be the next upcoming character I do, so stay tuned for that in the future!
Also! I’m so sorry my 100 watcher celebration has taken me so darn long, but I’m continuing to work on it, and I’d rather post something higher quality even if it takes more time than I originally intended! It will be a longer gif, or a short animation you could also call it, and I’m very excited to show you all once it’s done! I hope you’re looking forward to it!