Here is the Black Rider (also known as the harbinger of Famine), as he appears in the Shin Megami Tensei series! He is 8 inches in height, from the bottom of the horse to the top of the rider's head. The horse alone is 7 inches tall, 7 inches long. The horseman alone is 5 inches in height. He is made entirely out of minky.
The horseman has a magnet in his little bum along with a corresponding one in the saddle. The weapon and reigns have sew-on snaps that correspond to the one in the hand.
He is one of four of a dream project that has been on the back burner for years that I finally brought to life! This is also my first time making horses. It took many attempts to get the pattern the way I wanted it. The other challenge I faced was drafting the pattern for their hoods, as I had never made those before either.
Follow me on Instagram if you want to see progress pictures and get the most up-to-date information on my work!
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