Comments: 48
6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-05-25 17:47:57 +0000 UTC]
Heh... His Bankai is so beautiful. Senbonzakura is one of my favourites zanpakuto...
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-05-26 16:54:17 +0000 UTC]
This petals are really horrible... But in some way beautifull XD Nowbody thinks that this kind of things could be deadly like them...
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-05-27 18:29:33 +0000 UTC]
Wrong word == Not horrible, but maybe... horrifying. You know, nowbody expects that cherry blossoms could kill you... Slice... Chop...
If you see pink blossoms, you are thinking "Beautiful...". And Then this beauty blossoms attack you, anr tore your life away... Isn't is horrifying?
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-05-27 21:08:45 +0000 UTC]
I don't like Zangetsu, actually... I like Panthera much more XD And Murcielago XD Heh, it is wonderful, have one of these zanpakuto... XD
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-05-28 20:48:34 +0000 UTC]
That's the way to go )) When I got Mugen, my aunt thought I wanted it to, she said "...Why exactly do you want it? Who's done you wrong? " ))) I was like "Um....I just wanna stare at it...and hold it, you know?" Haha lol, I get it...the first time I held mine, after I got used to its weight, I could barely stop myself from chopping stuff...and going all ninja )
Sure, I still have it XD [link] It has other stuff besides swords, like, sword stands, ninja stuff, cool necklaces with hidden swords and knives and all that stuff XD
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-05-29 16:04:08 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for link XD
Heh, she really said that? Heheheh XD mayne I wouldn't buy Panthera... I'm impetuous, so who knows what will happen... XD Especially if this sword will be edged...
By the way.. I always want to have authentic katana, but unfortunatelly:
1) production katana is complicated, and long
2) there is only few pople who could do authentic katana
3) price is out of range
4) I would have to special permision to import it to Poland ==
Ech, live is so cruel... T.T
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-05-29 17:19:31 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
Yeah.... Well, I don't blame and her 4-year-old daughter are at war, so
I would buy Panthera if I found it somewhere XD
I found another site a while ago with authentic, hand-made katanas and they were BEAUTIFUL!! I literally stopped breathing. The designs, colors, shapes....OMG... But as you said, the prices are astronomical, ranging from $18,000 to more than $50,000 each...but I say it would be worth it...still, the prices are too big :"
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-05-29 17:51:52 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... Prices is some of obstacles in ouers dreams.
Ech... Some day I certainly will buy a authentic katana. Or I will order special katana. Blue katana... Katana like Panthera... *.* < dreaming...>
And I will do shrine fot it... I have Grimm-Eye, so some part of my plans are true XD
Heh, I think now is coming to being a new religion : Grimmism XD
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-05-30 18:38:30 +0000 UTC]
I had it many, too. Grimmism, Ryuukism, ant much more XD But Grimmism is on the first place XD
You found it!!! Thanks, thanks, thanks so much!!! XD
But I think, I can just stare at photo... == They will not send this katana to Poland... TTTTTT.TTTTT WHYYYYY!!!!!!! Why, why, why, WHY!!!
Deep blue is a beautiful colour... I always love it... It suits to my blue eyes... XD
Ok, IF I ever finish this wall-painting I will publish it there XDπ: 0 β©: 1
6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-06-02 17:23:29 +0000 UTC]
Thanks to you, today I had wonderful day XD Only thought that I will have a Panthera, Grimmjow's katana makes me happy XD
I like Murcielago too, but if there is a possible that I could have a Panthera... You can understand, I hope
I thought so, that ZIP is som eof that things, but it is better to make sure about it. I could write something wrong... Could you imagine? Grimmjow's Panthera lost on this evil world... Far, far away from me... T.T
Yeah, some time ago I wanted to have black eyes. I was person who loves black, heavy metal, and all clothes with chain, and others things like that. I still love that music, but I changed a little... And now I love blue. Before my " black part of life ^^ " I was loving this colour XD
Brown is beauty colour too XD Most of Japanese have brown eyes XD And this green should remaind you fourth Espada
When I'm angry and happy my eyes are almost deep blue, but usually they are more grey than blue. Maybe because ussualy I'm sad a little bit...
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-06-02 20:12:01 +0000 UTC]
Why I shouldn't be nice to you? XD You helped me with this links, and you made me so happy XD
Could you belive that your site will not send Panthera to Poland because it is a WEAPON? >< THEY. WILL. NOT. SEND. IT.
Ech, I should try search othet shop with it. Shop, which sent it to me...
Now I'm sad, because probably I will not have a Panthera T.T
Ussualy I'm sad, because live is so boring, most of my riends from University don't understand me ( "you don't like a party? so, you are boring." and thing like that. of coure it is my foult a little bit. I'm not talktive person, and I love to be alone with my thoughts, so people thinks, that I'm rude, and selfish and they are neglecting me a little bit.)
And it is one problematic thing. I'm sad because any of my idols, and favourite characters doesn't exist. You know, if I love Grimmjow, I want to him to exist. It is something like that: on the worls live ordinary "people". Only people. Not vampires, werewolfs, Hollows, Shinigami, Espada etc. Everybody around us are HUMANS. Because I always live in my "dreamland" that thing makes me sad. ( now I think I'm ill-suited to live in this world... =
I'm not wearing black clothes, because my close friend would kill me for that. She says, that I have wearing black too long == But all clothes whichi I like are black. Black clothes are cool!!! Now I try to wearing blue, green or yellow clothes.
Some time ago I wanted to have a tattoo, but I think that it couldn't happen, because I'm afraid of needle.
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-06-05 17:59:04 +0000 UTC]
Awww, thanks~!
THEY WHAT??!?! T.T NOOOOO!!!! What the heck?! That's lame. LAME. Weapon, pssht, glad to know ppl can't have swords, but there isn't anything against guns. =_= But what if it's a dull blade, not even then?
Oh...I'm sorry, I know how it feels. But keep hoping!!
OH SNAP!! Really??? We are so much alike! I hate parties! And I like to sit by myself and think and I'm quiet and shy and I don't really enjoy communities. People think I'm weird Oh well, like I care ) I'm with you!! I'm sad because of that, too. I would give ANYTHING to be able to make my favorite characters real. ANYTHING. Especially L and Ukitake. And people think I'm crazy because of that, but life is boring like this. Only humans, everywhere. I mean, I believe in aliens and a little bit in vampires, but still. I wish Shinigami were real, and all those awesome characters too. You are SO NOT ill-suited to live in this world!!! It's people like you and me that make this world go round!! grandma told me I look like I have to go to a funeral because of my clothes...but I don't care, I like black and that's what I'm gonna wear XD I mean, I like blue and green and red and orange and stuff but not on clothes XD
Yeah, I have needle phobia... But I still want the tattoo XD
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-06-06 18:10:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, when I saw reason, why they couldn't send it to me I just stared at screen with pain, angry, and determination. "Wha...? wtf? Wtf? W.T.F?!". I almost exploded. "People, are you creazy? This isn't WEAPON!!!" Even now I cant calm down when I think about it. But I said myself: "Don't give up!" And I still searching. I found a few, and it seems, that they will send it to Poland even if it is a "weapon"...
Thanks a lot for what you said XD I'm really greatful XD
It is amaizing to know, that we are alike XD Someone else who thinks like me XD I hate talk with others. I mean face to face, especially if I'm with three and more people. I much more like talk with one person... Heh, "talk"...? It is much more like a monologue: he\she talks, and I listen to him\her ^^" Sometimes I have some "accident" with my sister, when I talk and she listen to, and when I ask why she is so quiet she give me answer: "because it is your the longest statement I have listened science a few months. And I don't know when it will be again" XD (I love write, so probably that's why my comments are usually long... ^^") And I'm so difficult with meeting a new people. I'm shy too, so it is much more herder for me. Heh, I don't care about people and what they think about me, too XD "You think, I'm weird? Your problem? I'm myself, and I wouldn't change because of you!" They just don't understand people like us XD We have special way in thinking but this isn't worst way. This is more like creative way. We have imagination, and dreams (which never come alive >< )
Ehhhh... I want to Grimmjow come alive. And Ryuuk with Rem. And Hichigo. And Doctor Who but this is different story ^^"
And I must confess, that some time ago I hated people because they are only humans. They are superordinary. They aren't vampire, ghost, Shinigami, Arrancar, werewolf etc. They are just humans. I believe in alien, but I believe too that they are too smart to visit ours Earth XD It is obvious that far, far away in space must be some forme of live. Maybe people like us? I'm stiil believe that somewhere exist others universes, with Grimmjow, Ukitake, L, Hichigo truly alive, maybe with us XD
Uhm... I'm not a thin and tiny person, but more like well-built so these cool black clothes, which I always like wasn't for me T.T And I just had wore black t-shirts, trainers, black pants, and sometimes this amaizing shoes with )screws on sole, which name isn't in my translator == And science I have been studying, my new close friend have been starting make me to change my clothes, and I must agree, that now I'm looking much better XD Of course I still have many black clothes, but I wear blue, green, yellow and red too XD
Heh, I want the tattoo a little bit, but my fear is stronger XD
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-06-12 13:14:47 +0000 UTC]
Yeah....Like, it's a sword. No can't do, just go buy a gun like any normal person. Like WTF?! Gimme the damn sword or Imma kill yah!! lol So did you order it yet? Or are you still searching?
You're welcome~! I'm really glad we are alike, too, after all it's really hard finding people like me...I'm the kind of person who lives in the present and goes with the flow, and because of that many people think I'm stupid or something. Like, I HATE history. With a passion. I just don't care, I mean, yeah they did great and unexpected things and all that, but that was then. We need to let go of the past, so we can live the present and future. *sigh* Lol, me too, I only talk to my friends, with other people, I just let them talk ) Haha, your sister's funny XD My mom just can't understand HOW I don't care what people think about me, she always says "What's that, 'I don't care'??" and I go "'s pretty self explanatory: I. DON'T. CARE. It's their problem if they don't like me, it's not like I asked them to be my friends or anything. They don't like me, they can leave." and she always just goes "O.O wtf..." But yeah, life is so much easier if you don't waste your time trying to be who everyone wants you to be ? I still hate people for being so plain boring. Hi, I'm human. =__=' Truth is, the hope that out there somewhere, there's a universe with all the things I love, like Ukitake, Byakuya, Renji, Kenpachi, L, etc exists, it's like, the only thing that keeps me going. And the thought that somehow, I might be there with them....oh yeah lol
Lol, I'm not thin and tiny either, but I guess with me, black clothes are about the only things that look good on me XD My friend told me she loves my style cuz I don't just copy ppl, I kinda create my own right now I found this site (btw, you have GOT to check it out: and I found the gloves Byakuya wears and the socks that they wear and the scarf that looks like Byakuya's scarf but it has the symbol of team six on it and some other stuff and they're really cheap and I wanna buy them XD But I think I first have to pass my driving class or something to get my mom to buy them =______=' I like blue and green and red but they don't really look good on me...except red. Dark red. I like that. lol XDDD
I remember a while ago that I was swearing up and down that I would NEVER. EVER get a tattoo, and here I am...wanting one.
PS: when you choose the sword, make sure you read the reviews of other ppl that bought it so you get a good idea about it, like what's wrong with it, defects and stuff
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-06-17 18:39:15 +0000 UTC]
Following their mind even ordinary pen could be a dangerous weapon.
I'm still searching, but I think, that I will not order it for now, because of some trouble with money. Im going to go to work during holidays, so I think I will make some money. I just get that sword later than I thought... XD
Heh... history... Just why I should look back on my life? We cant change anything from past. So why? We could live here and now. Not there and some time ago. Ok som eof ours mistakes have some influence now, but we can't change it. I mean, I know some girl who broke up with boyfriend some time ago, and now she still cry, "because I did this stupid things, and I still love him...". It is annoying. Girl, just give up! Look forward! You will find some other guy! And maybe he will be better than your previous!!! But she don't get it ><
Yeah, my sister is funny. But sometimes I think, that she's acting as she is better than me. You know, sometimes I just do, without thinking, and sometimes my thinking is slow a little bit. And I'm CLEVER. My intelligence is on ordinary level. And she sometimes rise herself.
My mom don't interfere in my own life. She even don't know how much friends I have But my closer friend ( and probably my only true friend ) tells me: "You shouldn't be like that "I don't care". You should be more talktive, go to party for meeting new people, you should find boyfriend. It is nice, if you have a boyfriend, because you have pernon taht you could hug and kiss", and something like that. Again, and again... Ok, I agree that having person that I can kiss or hug is nice, but now I have my head full of others things, and I don't think about boys. Real boys. I think about Grimmjow... XD
But I'm not going to change myself for others people. I told it to myself few years ago and nothing can change it! XD
Yeah, I think that black clothes looks on me good too, but some time ago I wanted to wear something much more colorfull. But I still love black clothes. And still I make my friend furious, because almost all stuff which I buy are black. "I can.t change it!! All cool clothes are BLACK!!! You must stand it!" Heh, and she say that I should back to my true color of hair. I dyed it 4 years ago, and I still dye, but she still complain, that I should change it... All people around me tells me that I should change myself... ><
PS: I will do that XD Thanks XD
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-06-27 18:50:16 +0000 UTC]
OMG SO sorry for the late reply, but I got SO SO lazy
But yeah...damn them >_> Shinigami and their ideas, it's a good thing the Chamber Central 46 were killed, they were MORONS...did you see what they did to Hitsugaya and his friend?? I was like "ASFLKJHASKHASFKJA WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING?!?!"
I agree, the past is the past, we learn from it but if we dwell on it too long, we get lost
Haha lol, people do that sometimes, but what you gotta do is IGNORE them XD Just let her have her moment of glory and then shove it in her face XD lol I sound evil
UGH...that's what all my friends tell me X_X But I don't like parties and I don't like them whatever they say O.O And besides, I wear black cuz it makes me feel good, the same way other people dress so colorful, I like black Grimmjow is so much better than real guys >___> and Ukitake and even Byakushi >_> And Zaraki. Real boys are dumb...
OMG I know, right??? All awesome clothes are black!! It's not our fault!! Not that I mind them being black keke I don't think it's worth changing for people...they won't change for you, so why change for them?
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-06-29 17:21:21 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, I'm lazy too, so I understand XD
Killing Chamber central 46 was one of two good things that Aizen did. And I think, taht "morons" is to soft, for them... XD Yea I saw it. And I thought, that I will kill them on my own hands... even if it is physically imposible XD
You sound very good with that XD And ignoring is one of things I can do XD
Heh, it is true, real boys are dumb... So dumb. They thing about only one thing, if you don't make love with them you are a whore, if you make love you are whore too... I hate them. I hate all real boys. These from anime are much better. Could you imagine how beauty would be this world with person like Grimmjow, Byakuya, Ukitake? Ulquiorra? Kyouraku, and others? That world would be beauty and very interesting!!! And much more worth ours life!!
I will never, NEVER change myself because someone want it, or tell me that I should change. "You don't get it? So go away!!!"... Some person are really annoying with that ><
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-06-30 02:18:56 +0000 UTC]
Yeah...wait, what was the other thing? *killed chamber 46....umm....OH!* that and creating the Arrancar and Espada! Well, yeah, 'morons' IS too soft, but I couldn't think of anything else lol
yeah, I just learned the hard way that true friends accept you the way you are, and don't try to change you
=__= d-u-m-b spells boys....YEAH!! Like, WTF?! I don't wanna sleep with you - you're a whore. Let's do it - what a, what's wrong with this picture? Aaaahhhh...if only they were real...even if I would never end up with Ukitake, I'd serve him for the rest of eternity...and I'd make fun of Byakushi calling him Hana-chan (hana = flower) and chill with Shunsui-san, and spar-for-your-life with Zaraki and spend the rest of the day annoying the crap out if Kurotsuchi Mayuri(I H.A.T.E that dude...with a passion.) and during the night I'd stay with Ulquiorra and talk....*sigh* that's my happy place...a world with all of them there...THAT, my friend, would be heaven...
Yeah, never change for anyone, not unless it's Ulquiorra-san or Grimmjow-san know, them XD
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-07-02 19:09:45 +0000 UTC]
Heh... Createing the Arrancar and Espada ( specialy Sexta and Quatra) is the best thing he made XD Kilind these dumbass is second one... XD But I can say, that trying to kill Hinamori could be third one...
Hmmm... True friends, you say... I hope that I have at least one true friend in my all life... =="
Real boys should disapear... All of them. And in his place should apear Ukitake, Grimmjow, Ulquiorra, and others awesome guy from anime XD
And how could we sleep with real boys if we have in our mind someone like Ukitake, Grimmjow... ? Real boys are nothing... NOTHING!! Heh, if it could be possible, Grimmjow could even rape me if he want to... *.*
... I hate that batsrad too. Really hate. Why Urahara take him away from jail? Why? He is creazy!!! With bad sense of that word. And I promiss, I'm going to annoying him with you XD He should be EXTERMINATE!!! With Ulquiorra I would only sit and stare at sky with stars. He probably would talk something... Sitting, and hearing his voice... And I would like to have party with Kyouraku XD And some little fight with Grimmjow XD And training with him... And argument, I think XD Uh... poor grimmjow. I think, I would like to touch him all the time... XD Especially his jaw-bone mask and his hillow hole... I want... I want... I want to go to heaven!!! Come with me? XD
On this worl is only one person for whom I could change... And that person is me XD.
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-07-02 19:25:07 +0000 UTC]
Yeah...I wouldn't say that trying to kill Hinamori was the third best thing...
Yeah...I have one...maybe two, but that's enough for me lol XD
OMG! We speak the same language!! YES!!! I would SO exchange all the real boys for Ukitake and Kyouraku and Grimmjow and all of them *sigh* BUT WHY does this world have to follow stupid laws?!?! T__T No fair >___> Whoa there....O.O I don't think that would be called rape...since you would let know... I'm pretty sure that would be called 'consensual'
G-good question...but I mean, he IS a good scientist, granted, crazy and with no moral limits whatsoever...but good nonetheless And I think Kisuke is a wee bit too trusting...that's why he took the risk of letting Mayuri-bakka out of prison...Let's both go and annoy the shit out of him MUAAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!
Yeah...Ulqui-san seems like the kind of person that would just gaze at the stars...and 'Grimmjow' and 'training' go in one sentence lol I'd just hang out with Ukitake-san and talk and try and get him to teach me stuff And help me train with my bankai and all that You know...I really like Benihime...Kisuke's zanpakuto...I mean, it's got an unusual shape, but it's pretty darn awesome XD
Heck yeah!!! I'm coming~!
Lol, well said! Well...and you'd probably change for Grimmjow and Ulquiorra, but they're not real, so I guess it's only you And I'd change for Ukitake...but only him And me, 'course XD
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to HijikataToshizo [2011-07-03 17:17:36 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... the third one should be kicked his ass from Seireitei... XD
We can't do nothing with that stupid world >< Heh... there are needed a new laws. Creating by smart people like us XD There wouldn't be war, stupid boys, and that stupid Barbie-like girls... Only smart people, with Grimmjow, Ukitake, Kouraku, and others...
... I'm curious... He would rape me, or I would rape him... XD
Good point... that wouldn't be a rape in first option... in secont too... I think Grimmjow wouldn't mind making love XD
I hate him after all. Kurotsuchi should stay in prison... Do you remember what has he done to Szayel? Ok, I don't like him either (... =.=... ok, I like him a little, little, LITTLE bit...) but that cruel way of killing Octava... It was too much for me.
Yeah, Kisuke is on eof to trusting person... But if tehere wouldn't be Kisuke... there wouldn't born any of our lovely Arrancar... And Kisuke had a few good moments XD
Ulquiorra is good person to stare at stars... in silent... Maybe I'm too oversensitive, but it looks like some romantic night with to lovers... them... stras... silent... Ughhh!!!!!!
I think, that training with Grimmjow wouldn lokks like ordinary training. It wouldnt be with wooden swords, without blood, and some dirty moves... For Grimmjow training = less serious fight... XD
Heh, I like Benihime too, but I like Panthera much more XD And Murcielago... And Senbonzakura... I thing, that my shikai and bankai should have fire... Lot of fire... I love fire... ( why Yamamoto had to have fire-like Zanpakuto? WHY?! >< )
In my vision of heaven I forgott about Hichigo... I'm cruel! Heaven without Hichigo wouldn't be heaven anymore!!
Hmmm... I don't know... Maybe I would change for Grimmjow... For sure, I would change if I woulnd' mind that thing. You know, if he want me to go to party, ok I can do that... But if he want me to drink to much alcohol... Sorry Grimmjow...
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HijikataToshizo In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-07-05 15:03:28 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm okay with most of the Seireitei laws, just...some of them are really dumb >___> You know...I might just try to steal Grimmjow from you XD or maybe not, I can't do that to you, but I just got to the part where he appears and He's SO. DAMN. FREAKING. HOT. There's no way that guy could rape, cuz all the girls would do it on purpose with him lol I think you'd rape him first lmao. Me too It's so weird that so far everyone in Bleach seems to be virgin....even the captains Well, maybe not Byakuya cuz he was married, but the rest?
I hate Kurotsuchi. HATE. That guy's a freaking moron, idiot, retarded, jerk, egg-face, stupid, cretin....UGH. One day, one day I'll punch holes through his stupid face >_< No...I don't remember...did he dissect him? I mean, I hate Szayel, so I don't exactly care, but still
I like Kisuke X3 There's this motivational poster that says "Kisuke Urahara: He'll either kick your ass or try to grab it" it's so true *3* But I still like him. I hope he and Yoruichi are together...I mean, they've been friends all their stupidly long lives XD *cough cough* and yeah, true, without him = no arrancar/espada/fallen espada = no Grimmjow or Nel or Illfort (I LOVE Ilfort Grantz, he's so freaking HOT it's a shame he died T_T)
Hahahaaa loool true, he'd be all serious and laughing while he chops us up XD Fun :>
Yeah...Grimmjow is so hot in his released of the few that actually has an attractive release, the others are so effing gross I like Senbonzakura too. And Hyourinmaru X3 And Sode no Shirayuki. Lol my Shikai and Bankai are darkness. My Zanpakuto is Dark Type X3 His name is Mugen and he's a dragon lord. Yeah...I created a Bleach OC and her Zanpakuto
Yeah...What's heaven without someone to piss you off 24/7? I agree, Hichigo's gotta be there XD
I'd change Hichigo for Grimmjow or Ukitake any time lol XD
Yeah...sorry Grimmjow, not a fan of booze XD
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StoneJosh [2011-05-01 15:23:44 +0000 UTC]
pretty sweet drawing i like the face
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to StoneJosh [2011-05-01 19:07:20 +0000 UTC]
Thanks... XD I tried make him as the best as I could XD
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Ainozomi [2011-05-01 10:46:31 +0000 UTC]
Bardzo dobrze Ci wychodzi rysowanie oczy i wΕosΓ³w... Byakuya piΔkny
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to Ainozomi [2011-05-01 19:08:08 +0000 UTC]
Eeeeee... z oczami to ja mam najwiΔksze problemy... Zawsze ^ ^"
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Ainozomi In reply to 6cartercharlie6 [2011-05-01 19:54:29 +0000 UTC]
No to widaΔ, ΕΌe siΔ starasz przez to i ci bardzo dobrze wychodzi xd
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6cartercharlie6 In reply to Ainozomi [2011-05-01 21:09:41 +0000 UTC]
no nie wiem czy tak dobrze. zazwyczaj zawsze coΕ jest nie tak. niegdy nie sΔ
idealne te moje oczy...
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