✧Price - 1$ or 80 DA points ✧
How to pay:
1. If you want to buy by points, first write to me in chat\notes\comments.
After payment, I will also send you a download link.
2. You can donate to the "tip jar" on the main page of my profile.
3. Or you can click on this link to browse my shop,
and after payment DeviantArt platform will automatically provide you with the file (zip).
File including:
1 - body
3 - tails
3- horns
1 - Wings
3 - emotions
1 - 3rd eye
Canvas: 2500x3000pt, 300dpi
.psd layered file without background and text.
With that P2U cat base you:
1. CAN:
1) Make adopts (money, for points, exchange, free, etc.)
2) Draw any of your details! Accessories, etc.
3) Take commissions, custom, etc.
2. CAN`T:
1) resell the base without indicating me as the author
2) resell at a price equal to or higher than the assigned one
✧Please, don`t remove signature (not necessary, but I will be pleased)
✧Please indicate me as the author of the base
Post your adopts in the comments to this entry, it will be very interesting for me to see them!
Have a good day