19MicronHead — Shin and the bandit trans AM

Published: 2012-06-15 08:37:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 557; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 16
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Description I desided to give my main oc shin a make over I wanted him to look more rebelish since I picture his personality alot like travis touchdown from no more heros, I also always pictured him with a reinforced bandit trans AM with mounted machineguns on the front of it, (one of my favorite cars btw) This is one of the first pics I did with my 12wx cintiq after I got past the learning curve with the thing and I am pretty happy with this pic as it came out almost exactally the way I pictured in my head. (you can smell the sons of anarchy and twisted metal inspiration in this one)

Almost lost my sanity with this sucker to. god bless the sound of music, "Sweenie by Vice" kept me in the groove on this pic.
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