0yakata — LEGO Metal Heros

Published: 2012-10-20 17:01:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 961; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 16
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Description Space Sheriff Gavan (宇宙刑事ギャバン)
He is the son of Tamiko Ichijouji and Voicer, having lived on Bird for most of his life until he is assigned the task to protect Earth against the invading Makuu Empire by donning the alias of Retsu Ichijouji (一条寺 烈). When needed, Gavan yells "Jouchaku" (蒸着) so the Dolgiran can encase him in Granium particles that form into his silver chrome combat suit within 0.5 seconds. When no longer needing the armor, Gavan utters the Vacuum Evaporation command for his suit to be sent back to the Dolgiran.
He is an accomplished athlete and has various weapons at his disposal.
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Comments: 1

lycans [2012-10-31 08:17:47 +0000 UTC]

arghhhh so shiny do wantttt

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